Source code for tensorlayer.layers.core

#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import inspect
from abc import abstractmethod

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorlayer as tl
from tensorlayer import logging
from tensorlayer.decorators import (deprecated_alias, private_method, protected_method)
from tensorlayer.files import utils
from tensorlayer.layers.utils import (get_variable_with_initializer, list_remove_repeat)

__all__ = ['Layer', 'ModelLayer', 'LayerList']

_global_layer_name_dict = {}  # TODO: better implementation?

_act_dict = {
    "relu": tf.nn.relu,
    "relu6": tf.nn.relu6,
    "leaky_relu": tf.nn.leaky_relu,
    "lrelu": tf.nn.leaky_relu,
    "softplus": tf.nn.softplus,
    "tanh": tf.nn.tanh,
    "sigmoid": tf.nn.sigmoid,

def str2act(act):
    if len(act) > 5 and act[0:5] == "lrelu":
            alpha = float(act[5:])
            return lambda x: tf.nn.leaky_relu(x, alpha=alpha)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("{} can not be parsed as a float".format(act[5:]))

    if len(act) > 10 and act[0:10] == "leaky_relu":
            alpha = float(act[10:])
            return lambda x: tf.nn.leaky_relu(x, alpha=alpha)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("{} can not be parsed as a float".format(act[10:]))

    if act not in _act_dict.keys():
        raise Exception("Unsupported act: {}".format(act))
    return _act_dict[act]

[docs]class Layer(object): """The basic :class:`Layer` class represents a single layer of a neural network. It should be subclassed when implementing new types of layers. Parameters ---------- name : str or None A unique layer name. If None, a unique name will be automatically assigned. Methods --------- __init__() Initializing the Layer. __call__() (1) Building the Layer if necessary. (2) Forwarding the computation. all_weights() Return a list of Tensor which are all weights of this Layer. trainable_weights() Return a list of Tensor which are all trainable weights of this Layer. nontrainable_weights() Return a list of Tensor which are all nontrainable weights of this Layer. build() Abstract method. Build the Layer. All trainable weights should be defined in this function. forward() Abstract method. Forward computation and return computation results. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, act=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Initializing the Layer. :param name: str or None :param name: str or function or None """ # Layer constants # for key in kwargs.keys(): # setattr(self, key, self._argument_dict_checkup(kwargs[key])) # Auto naming if the name is not given global _global_layer_name_dict if name is None: prefix = self.__class__.__name__.lower() if _global_layer_name_dict.get(prefix) is not None: _global_layer_name_dict[prefix] += 1 name = prefix + '_' + str(_global_layer_name_dict[prefix]) else: _global_layer_name_dict[prefix] = 0 name = prefix while True: if _global_layer_name_dict.get(name) is None: break _global_layer_name_dict[prefix] += 1 name = prefix + '_' + str(_global_layer_name_dict[prefix]) else: if _global_layer_name_dict.get(name) is not None: pass # raise ValueError( # 'Layer name \'%s\' has already been used by another layer. Please change the layer name.' % name # ) else: _global_layer_name_dict[name] = 0 = name if isinstance(act, str): self.act = str2act(act) else: self.act = act # Layer building state self._built = False # Layer nodes state self._nodes = [] self._nodes_fixed = False # Layer weight state self._all_weights = None self._trainable_weights = None self._nontrainable_weights = None # Layer training state self.is_train = True # layer config and init_args self._config = None self.layer_args = self._get_init_args(skip=3)
@staticmethod def _compute_shape(tensors): if isinstance(tensors, list): shape_mem = [t.get_shape().as_list() for t in tensors] else: shape_mem = tensors.get_shape().as_list() return shape_mem @property def config(self): # if not self._nodes_fixed: # raise RuntimeError("Model can not be saved when nodes are not fixed.") if self._config is not None: return self._config else: _config = {} _config.update({'class': self.__class__.__name__.split('.')[-1]}) self.layer_args.update(self.get_args()) self.layer_args["name"] = _config.update({"args": self.layer_args}) if self.__class__.__name__ in tl.layers.inputs.__all__: _config.update({'prev_layer': None}) else: _config.update({'prev_layer': []}) for node in self._nodes: in_nodes = node.in_nodes if not isinstance(in_nodes, list): prev_name = else: prev_name = [ for in_node in in_nodes] if len(prev_name) == 1: prev_name = prev_name[0] _config['prev_layer'].append(prev_name) if self._nodes_fixed: self._config = _config return _config @property def all_weights(self): if self._all_weights is not None and len(self._all_weights) > 0: pass else: self._all_weights = list() if self._trainable_weights is not None: self._all_weights.extend(self._trainable_weights) if self._nontrainable_weights is not None: self._all_weights.extend(self._nontrainable_weights) return self._all_weights @property def trainable_weights(self): return self._trainable_weights @property def nontrainable_weights(self): return self._nontrainable_weights @property def weights(self): raise Exception( "no property .weights exists, do you mean .all_weights, .trainable_weights, or .nontrainable_weights ?" )
[docs] def __call__(self, inputs, *args, **kwargs): """ (1) Build the Layer if necessary. (2) Forward the computation and return results. (3) Add LayerNode if necessary :param prev_layer: np.ndarray, Tensor, Layer, list of Layers :param kwargs: :return: Layer """ if self.__class__.__name__ in tl.layers.inputs.__all__: input_tensors = tf.convert_to_tensor(inputs) else: input_tensors = inputs if not self._built: if isinstance(self, LayerList): self._input_tensors = input_tensors inputs_shape = self._compute_shape(input_tensors) self._built = True outputs = self.forward(input_tensors, *args, **kwargs) if not self._nodes_fixed: self._add_node(input_tensors, outputs) return outputs
def _add_node(self, input_tensors, output_tensors): """Add a LayerNode for this layer given input_tensors, output_tensors. WARINING: This function should not be called from outside, it should only be called in layer.__call__ when building static model. Parameters ---------- input_tensors : Tensor or a list of tensors Input tensors to this layer. output_tensors : Tensor or a list of tensors Output tensors to this layer. """ inputs_list = tolist(input_tensors) outputs_list = tolist(output_tensors) if self.__class__.__name__ in tl.layers.inputs.__all__: # for InputLayer, there should be no in_nodes in_nodes = [] in_tensor_idxes = [0] else: in_nodes = [tensor._info[0] for tensor in inputs_list] in_tensor_idxes = [tensor._info[1] for tensor in inputs_list] node_index = len(self._nodes) new_node = LayerNode(self, node_index, in_nodes, inputs_list, outputs_list, in_tensor_idxes) self._nodes.append(new_node) for idx, tensor in enumerate(outputs_list): tensor._info = (new_node, idx) # FIXME : modify tensor outside layers? how to deal? def _release_memory(self): """ WARINING: This function should be called with great caution. self.inputs and self.outputs will be set as None but not deleted in order to release memory. """ # FIXME : not understand why saving inputs/outputs shape for node in self._nodes: node.in_tensors = None node.out_tensors = None def _set_mode_for_layers(self, is_train): """ Set training/evaluation mode for the Layer""" self.is_train = is_train def _fix_nodes_for_layers(self): """ fix LayerNodes to stop growing for this layer""" self._nodes_fixed = True def _get_weights(self, var_name, shape, init=tl.initializers.random_normal(), trainable=True): """ Get trainable variables. """ weight = get_variable_with_initializer(, var_name=var_name, shape=shape, init=init) if trainable is True: if self._trainable_weights is None: self._trainable_weights = list() self._trainable_weights.append(weight) else: if self._nontrainable_weights is None: self._nontrainable_weights = list() self._nontrainable_weights.append(weight) return weight
[docs] @abstractmethod def build(self, inputs_shape): """ An abstract method which should be overwritten in derived classes to define all necessary trainable weights of the layer. self.built should be set as True after is called. :param inputs_shape: tuple """ raise Exception("The build(self, inputs_shape) method must be implemented by inherited class")
[docs] @abstractmethod def forward(self, inputs): """ An abstract method which should be overwritten in derived classes to define forward feeding operations of the layer. :param inputs: Tensor :return: Tensor """ raise Exception("The forward method must be implemented by inherited class")
@abstractmethod def __repr__(self): reprstr = "Layer" return reprstr def __setitem__(self, key, item): raise TypeError("The Layer API does not allow to use the method: `__setitem__`") def __delitem__(self, key): raise TypeError("The Layer API does not allow to use the method: `__delitem__`") @protected_method def get_args(self): init_args = {"layer_type": "normal"} return init_args @protected_method def _get_init_args(self, skip=3): """Get all arguments of current layer for saving the graph.""" stack = inspect.stack() if len(stack) < skip + 1: raise ValueError("The length of the inspection stack is shorter than the requested start position.") args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(stack[skip][0]) params = {} for arg in args: # some args dont need to be saved into the graph. e.g. the input placeholder if values[arg] is not None and arg not in ['self', 'prev_layer', 'inputs']: val = values[arg] # change function (e.g. act) into dictionary of module path and function name if inspect.isfunction(val): if ("__module__" in dir(val)) and (len(val.__module__) > 10) and (val.__module__[0:10] == "tensorflow"): params[arg] = val.__name__ else: params[arg] = ('is_Func', utils.func2str(val)) # if val.__name__ == "<lambda>": # params[arg] = utils.lambda2str(val) # else: # params[arg] = {"module_path": val.__module__, "func_name": val.__name__} # ignore more args e.g. TL initializer elif arg.endswith('init'): continue # for other data type, save them directly else: params[arg] = val return params
class LayerNode(object): """ The class :class:`LayerNode` class represents a conceptional node for a layer. LayerNode is used for building static model and it is actually a light weighted wrapper over Layer. Specifically, it is used for building static computational graph (see _construct_graph() in tl.models.Model). In static model, each layer relates to one or more LayerNode, and the connection relationship between layers is built upon LayerNode. In addition, LayerNode eases layer reuse and weights sharing. Parameters ---------- layer : tl.layers.Layer A tl layer that wants to create a node. node_index : int Index of this node in layer._nodes. in_nodes :a list of LayerNode Father nodes to this node. in_tensors : a list of tensors Input tensors to this node. out_tensors : a list of tensors Output tensors to this node. in_tensor_idxes : a list of int Indexes of each input tensor in its corresponding node's out_tensors. Methods --------- __init__() Initializing the LayerNode. __call__() (1) Forwarding through the layer. (2) Update its input/output tensors. """ def __init__(self, layer, node_index, in_nodes, in_tensors, out_tensors, in_tensor_idxes): """ Parameters ---------- layer node_index in_nodes in_tensors out_tensors in_tensor_idxes """ self.layer = layer self.node_index = node_index self.in_nodes = in_nodes self.out_nodes = [] self.in_tensors = in_tensors self.out_tensors = out_tensors = + "_node_{}".format(node_index) self.in_tensors_idxes = in_tensor_idxes self.visited = False def __call__(self, inputs, **kwargs): """(1) Forwarding through the layer. (2) Update its input/output tensors.""" outputs = self.layer.forward(inputs, **kwargs) self.in_tensors = tolist(inputs) self.out_tensors = tolist(outputs) return self.out_tensors class ModelLayer(Layer): """ The class :class:`ModelLayer` converts a :class:`Model` to a :class:`Layer` instance. Note that only a :class:`Model` with specified inputs and outputs can be converted to a :class:`ModelLayer`. For example, a customized model in dynamic eager mode normally does NOT have specified inputs and outputs so the customized model in dynamic eager mode can NOT be converted to a :class:`ModelLayer`. Parameters ---------- model: tl.models.Model A model. name : str or None A unique layer name. If None, a unique name will be automatically assigned. Methods --------- __init__() Initializing the ModelLayer. weights() Same as the weights of the given model. build() Do nothing because the given model has already been built. forward() Forward the computation. Simply call the forward() of the given model. """ def __init__(self, model, name=None): """ Initializing the ModelLayer given a instance of Model. :param model: tl.models.Model """ super(ModelLayer, self).__init__(name=name) self.model = model # Layer building state self._built = True # Layer weight state self._all_weights = model.all_weights # Layer training state self.is_train = True"ModelLayer %s from Model: %s" % (, def __repr__(self): tmpstr = 'ModelLayer' + '(\n' modstr = self.model.__repr__() modstr = _addindent(modstr, 2) tmpstr += modstr + ')' return tmpstr def build(self, inputs_shape): pass def forward(self, inputs): return self.model.forward(inputs) def _set_mode_for_layers(self, is_train): """ Set training/evaluation mode for the ModelLayer.""" self.is_train = is_train return self.model._set_mode_for_layers(is_train) def _fix_nodes_for_layers(self): """ fix LayerNodes to stop growing for this ModelLayer.""" self._nodes_fixed = True self.model._fix_nodes_for_layers() def _release_memory(self): """ WARINING: This function should be called with great caution. self.inputs and self.outputs will be set as None but not deleted in order to release memory. """ super(ModelLayer, self)._release_memory() self.model.release_memory() def get_args(self): init_args = {} init_args.update({"layer_type": "modellayer"}) # init_args["model"] = utils.net2static_graph(self.layer_args["model"]) init_args["model"] = self.layer_args["model"].config return init_args class LayerList(Layer): """ The class :class:`LayerList` is a linear stack of layers. The :class:`LayerList` can be created by passing a list of layer instances. The given layer instances will be automatically connected one by one. Parameters ---------- layers: list of Layer A list of layers. name : str or None A unique layer name. If None, a unique name will be automatically assigned. Methods --------- __init__() Initializing the LayerList. weights() A collection of weights of all the layer instances. build() Build the LayerList. The layer instances will be connected automatically one by one. forward() Forward the computation. The computation will go through all layer instances. """ def __init__(self, layers, name=None): """ Initializing the LayerList given a list of Layer. :param layers: list of Layer :param name: str or None """ super(LayerList, self).__init__(name=name) self.layers = layers is_built = True for layer in self.layers: if layer._built is False: is_built = False if layer._built and layer.all_weights is not None: # some layers in the list passed in have already been built # e.g. using input shape to construct layers in dynamic eager if self._all_weights is None: self._all_weights = list() self._all_weights.extend(layer.all_weights) if is_built: self._built = True "LayerList %s including layers [%s]" % (, ', '.join([ for layer in self.layers])) ) # check layer name uniqueness in LayerList local_layer_name_set = set() for layer in self.layers: if not in local_layer_name_set: local_layer_name_set.add( else: raise ValueError( 'Layer name \'%s\' has already been used by another layer. Please change the layer name.' % ) def __getitem__(self, idx): if isinstance(idx, slice): return LayerList(list(self.layers)[idx]) else: return self.layers[idx] def __len__(self): return len(self.layers) def __repr__(self): tmpstr = 'LayerList' + '(\n' for idx, layer in enumerate(self.layers): modstr = layer.__repr__() modstr = _addindent(modstr, 2) tmpstr = tmpstr + ' (' + str(idx) + '): ' + modstr + '\n' tmpstr = tmpstr + ')' return tmpstr def build(self, inputs_shape): """ Build the LayerList. The layer instances will be connected automatically one by one. """ in_tensor = self._input_tensors # in_layer = self._input_layer for layer in self.layers: is_build = layer._built out_tensor = layer(in_tensor) # nlayer = layer(in_layer) if is_build is False and layer.all_weights is not None: if self._all_weights is None: self._all_weights = list() self._all_weights.extend(layer.all_weights) layer._built = True in_tensor = out_tensor # in_layer = nlayer def forward(self, inputs): """ Forward the computation. The computation will go through all layer instances. """ z = inputs for layer in self.layers: z = layer.forward(z) return z def _set_mode_for_layers(self, is_train): """Set training/evaluation mode for all layer instances.""" self.is_train = is_train for layer in self.layers: if isinstance(layer, ModelLayer): layer._set_mode_for_layers(is_train) elif isinstance(layer, LayerList): layer._set_mode_for_layers(is_train) else: layer.is_train = is_train def _fix_nodes_for_layers(self): """ fix LayerNodes to stop growing for this LayerList.""" self._nodes_fixed = True for layer in self.layers: layer._fix_nodes_for_layers() def _release_memory(self): """ WARINING: This function should be called with great caution. self.inputs and self.outputs will be set as None but not deleted. """ super(LayerList, self)._release_memory() for layer in self.layers: layer._release_memory() def get_args(self): init_args = {} layers = self.layer_args["layers"] init_args["layers"] = [layer.config for layer in layers] init_args.update({"layer_type": "layerlist"}) return init_args def _addindent(s_, numSpaces): s = s_.split('\n') # don't do anything for single-line stuff if len(s) == 1: return s_ first = s.pop(0) s = [(numSpaces * ' ') + line for line in s] s = '\n'.join(s) s = first + '\n' + s return s def tolist(tensors): if isinstance(tensors, list) or isinstance(tensors, tuple): ntensors = list() for t in tensors: ntensors += tolist(t) return ntensors else: return [tensors]