API - Models

TensorLayer provides many pretrained models, you can easily use the whole or a part of the pretrained models via these APIs.

Model([inputs, outputs, name])

The Model class represents a neural network.

VGG16([pretrained, end_with, mode, name])

Pre-trained VGG16 model.

VGG19([pretrained, end_with, mode, name])

Pre-trained VGG19 model.

SqueezeNetV1([pretrained, end_with, name])

Pre-trained SqueezeNetV1 model (static mode).

MobileNetV1([pretrained, end_with, name])

Pre-trained MobileNetV1 model (static mode).

Seq2seq(decoder_seq_length, cell_enc, cell_dec)

vanilla stacked layer Seq2Seq model.

Seq2seqLuongAttention(hidden_size, …[, name])

Luong Attention-based Seq2Seq model.

Base Model

class tensorlayer.models.Model(inputs=None, outputs=None, name=None)[source]

The Model class represents a neural network.

It should be subclassed when implementing a dynamic model, where ‘forward’ method must be overwritten. Otherwise, please specify ‘inputs’ tensor(s) and ‘outputs’ tensor(s) to create a static model. In that case, ‘inputs’ tensors should come from tl.layers.Input().

  • inputs (a Layer or list of Layer) – The input(s) to the model.

  • outputs (a Layer or list of Layer) – The output(s) to the model.

  • name (None or str) – The name of the model.

__init__(self, inputs=None, outputs=None, name=None)[source]

Initializing the Model.


Get input tensors to this network (only avaiable for static model).


Get output tensors to this network (only avaiable for static model).

__call__(inputs, is_train=None, **kwargs)[source]

Forward input tensors through this network.


Get all layer objects of this network in a list of layers.


Get the weights of this network in a list of tensors.


Set this network in training mode. (affect layers e.g. Dropout, BatchNorm).


Set this network in evaluation mode.


Set this network as a ModelLayer so that it can be integrated into another Model.


Release the memory that was taken up by tensors which are maintained by this network.

save_weights(self, filepath, format='hdf5')[source]

Save the weights of this network in a given format.

load_weights(self, filepath, format=None, in_order=True, skip=False)[source]

Load weights into this network from a specified file.

save(self, filepath, save_weights=True)[source]

Save the network with/without weights.

load(filepath, save_weights=True)[source]

Load the network with/without weights.


>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from tensorlayer.layers import Input, Dense, Dropout
>>> from tensorlayer.models import Model

Define static model

>>> class CustomModel(Model):
>>>     def __init__(self):
>>>         super(CustomModel, self).__init__()
>>>         self.dense1 = Dense(n_units=800, act=tf.nn.relu, in_channels=784)
>>>         self.dropout1 = Dropout(keep=0.8)
>>>         self.dense2 = Dense(n_units=10, in_channels=800)
>>>     def forward(self, x):
>>>         z = self.dense1(x)
>>>         z = self.dropout1(z)
>>>         z = self.dense2(z)
>>>         return z
>>> M_dynamic = CustomModel()

Define static model

>>> ni = Input([None, 784])
>>> nn = Dense(n_units=800, act=tf.nn.relu)(ni)
>>> nn = Dropout(keep=0.8)(nn)
>>> nn = Dense(n_units=10, act=tf.nn.relu)(nn)
>>> M_static = Model(inputs=ni, outputs=nn, name="mlp")

Get network information

>>> print(M_static)
... Model(
...  (_inputlayer): Input(shape=[None, 784], name='_inputlayer')
...  (dense): Dense(n_units=800, relu, in_channels='784', name='dense')
...  (dropout): Dropout(keep=0.8, name='dropout')
...  (dense_1): Dense(n_units=10, relu, in_channels='800', name='dense_1')
... )

Forwarding through this network

>>> data = np.random.normal(size=[16, 784]).astype(np.float32)
>>> outputs_d = M_dynamic(data)
>>> outputs_s = M_static(data)

Save and load weights

>>> M_static.save_weights('./model_weights.h5')
>>> M_static.load_weights('./model_weights.h5')

Save and load the model

>>> M_static.save('./model.h5')
>>> M = Model.load('./model.h5')

Convert model to layer

>>> M_layer = M_static.as_layer()


tensorlayer.models.VGG16(pretrained=False, end_with='outputs', mode='dynamic', name=None)

Pre-trained VGG16 model.

  • pretrained (boolean) – Whether to load pretrained weights. Default False.

  • end_with (str) – The end point of the model. Default fc3_relu i.e. the whole model.

  • mode (str.) – Model building mode, ‘dynamic’ or ‘static’. Default ‘dynamic’.

  • name (None or str) – A unique layer name.


Classify ImageNet classes with VGG16, see tutorial_models_vgg.py With TensorLayer

>>> # get the whole model, without pre-trained VGG parameters
>>> vgg = tl.models.vgg16()
>>> # get the whole model, restore pre-trained VGG parameters
>>> vgg = tl.models.vgg16(pretrained=True)
>>> # use for inferencing
>>> output = vgg(img, is_train=False)
>>> probs = tf.nn.softmax(output)[0].numpy()

Extract features with VGG16 and Train a classifier with 100 classes

>>> # get VGG without the last layer
>>> cnn = tl.models.vgg16(end_with='fc2_relu', mode='static').as_layer()
>>> # add one more layer and build a new model
>>> ni = Input([None, 224, 224, 3], name="inputs")
>>> nn = cnn(ni)
>>> nn = tl.layers.Dense(n_units=100, name='out')(nn)
>>> model = tl.models.Model(inputs=ni, outputs=nn)
>>> # train your own classifier (only update the last layer)
>>> train_params = model.get_layer('out').trainable_weights

Reuse model

>>> # in dynamic model, we can directly use the same model
>>> # in static model
>>> vgg_layer = tl.models.vgg16().as_layer()
>>> ni_1 = tl.layers.Input([None, 224, 244, 3])
>>> ni_2 = tl.layers.Input([None, 224, 244, 3])
>>> a_1 = vgg_layer(ni_1)
>>> a_2 = vgg_layer(ni_2)
>>> M = Model(inputs=[ni_1, ni_2], outputs=[a_1, a_2])


tensorlayer.models.VGG19(pretrained=False, end_with='outputs', mode='dynamic', name=None)

Pre-trained VGG19 model.

  • pretrained (boolean) – Whether to load pretrained weights. Default False.

  • end_with (str) – The end point of the model. Default fc3_relu i.e. the whole model.

  • mode (str.) – Model building mode, ‘dynamic’ or ‘static’. Default ‘dynamic’.

  • name (None or str) – A unique layer name.


Classify ImageNet classes with VGG19, see tutorial_models_vgg.py With TensorLayer

>>> # get the whole model, without pre-trained VGG parameters
>>> vgg = tl.models.vgg19()
>>> # get the whole model, restore pre-trained VGG parameters
>>> vgg = tl.models.vgg19(pretrained=True)
>>> # use for inferencing
>>> output = vgg(img, is_train=False)
>>> probs = tf.nn.softmax(output)[0].numpy()

Extract features with VGG19 and Train a classifier with 100 classes

>>> # get VGG without the last layer
>>> cnn = tl.models.vgg19(end_with='fc2_relu', mode='static').as_layer()
>>> # add one more layer and build a new model
>>> ni = Input([None, 224, 224, 3], name="inputs")
>>> nn = cnn(ni)
>>> nn = tl.layers.Dense(n_units=100, name='out')(nn)
>>> model = tl.models.Model(inputs=ni, outputs=nn)
>>> # train your own classifier (only update the last layer)
>>> train_params = model.get_layer('out').trainable_weights

Reuse model

>>> # in dynamic model, we can directly use the same model
>>> # in static model
>>> vgg_layer = tl.models.vgg19().as_layer()
>>> ni_1 = tl.layers.Input([None, 224, 244, 3])
>>> ni_2 = tl.layers.Input([None, 224, 244, 3])
>>> a_1 = vgg_layer(ni_1)
>>> a_2 = vgg_layer(ni_2)
>>> M = Model(inputs=[ni_1, ni_2], outputs=[a_1, a_2])


tensorlayer.models.SqueezeNetV1(pretrained=False, end_with='out', name=None)[source]

Pre-trained SqueezeNetV1 model (static mode). Input shape [?, 224, 224, 3], value range [0, 1].

  • pretrained (boolean) – Whether to load pretrained weights. Default False.

  • end_with (str) – The end point of the model [conv1, maxpool1, fire2, fire3, fire4, …, out]. Default out i.e. the whole model.

  • name (None or str) – Name for this model.


Classify ImageNet classes, see tutorial_models_squeezenetv1.py

>>> # get the whole model
>>> squeezenet = tl.models.SqueezeNetV1(pretrained=True)
>>> # use for inferencing
>>> output = squeezenet(img1, is_train=False)
>>> prob = tf.nn.softmax(output)[0].numpy()

Extract features and Train a classifier with 100 classes

>>> # get model without the last layer
>>> cnn = tl.models.SqueezeNetV1(pretrained=True, end_with='drop1').as_layer()
>>> # add one more layer and build new model
>>> ni = Input([None, 224, 224, 3], name="inputs")
>>> nn = cnn(ni)
>>> nn = Conv2d(100, (1, 1), (1, 1), padding='VALID', name='conv10')(nn)
>>> nn = GlobalMeanPool2d(name='globalmeanpool')(nn)
>>> model = tl.models.Model(inputs=ni, outputs=nn)
>>> # train your own classifier (only update the last layer)
>>> train_params = model.get_layer('conv10').trainable_weights

Return type

static SqueezeNetV1.


tensorlayer.models.MobileNetV1(pretrained=False, end_with='out', name=None)[source]

Pre-trained MobileNetV1 model (static mode). Input shape [?, 224, 224, 3], value range [0, 1].

  • pretrained (boolean) – Whether to load pretrained weights. Default False.

  • end_with (str) – The end point of the model [conv, depth1, depth2 … depth13, globalmeanpool, out]. Default out i.e. the whole model.

  • name (None or str) – Name for this model.


Classify ImageNet classes, see tutorial_models_mobilenetv1.py

>>> # get the whole model with pretrained weights
>>> mobilenetv1 = tl.models.MobileNetV1(pretrained=True)
>>> # use for inferencing
>>> output = mobilenetv1(img1, is_train=False)
>>> prob = tf.nn.softmax(output)[0].numpy()

Extract features and Train a classifier with 100 classes

>>> # get model without the last layer
>>> cnn = tl.models.MobileNetV1(pretrained=True, end_with='reshape').as_layer()
>>> # add one more layer and build new model
>>> ni = Input([None, 224, 224, 3], name="inputs")
>>> nn = cnn(ni)
>>> nn = Conv2d(100, (1, 1), (1, 1), name='out')(nn)
>>> nn = Flatten(name='flatten')(nn)
>>> model = tl.models.Model(inputs=ni, outputs=nn)
>>> # train your own classifier (only update the last layer)
>>> train_params = model.get_layer('out').trainable_weights

Return type

static MobileNetV1.


class tensorlayer.models.Seq2seq(decoder_seq_length, cell_enc, cell_dec, n_units=256, n_layer=3, embedding_layer=None, name=None)[source]

vanilla stacked layer Seq2Seq model.

  • decoder_seq_length (int) – The length of your target sequence

  • cell_enc (TensorFlow cell function) – The RNN function cell for your encoder stack, e.g tf.keras.layers.GRUCell

  • cell_dec (TensorFlow cell function) – The RNN function cell for your decoder stack, e.g. tf.keras.layers.GRUCell

  • n_layer (int) – The number of your RNN layers for both encoder and decoder block

  • embedding_layer (tl.Layer) – A embedding layer, e.g. tl.layers.Embedding(vocabulary_size=voc_size, embedding_size=emb_dim)

  • name (str) – The model name


Classify stacked-layer Seq2Seq model, see chatbot


Return type

static stacked-layer Seq2Seq model.

Seq2seq Luong Attention

class tensorlayer.models.Seq2seqLuongAttention(hidden_size, embedding_layer, cell, method, name=None)[source]

Luong Attention-based Seq2Seq model. Implementation based on https://arxiv.org/pdf/1508.04025.pdf.

  • hidden_size (int) – The hidden size of both encoder and decoder RNN cells

  • cell (TensorFlow cell function) – The RNN function cell for your encoder and decoder stack, e.g. tf.keras.layers.GRUCell

  • embedding_layer (tl.Layer) – A embedding layer, e.g. tl.layers.Embedding(vocabulary_size=voc_size, embedding_size=emb_dim)

  • method (str) – The three alternatives to calculate the attention scores, e.g. “dot”, “general” and “concat”

  • name (str) – The model name


Return type

static single layer attention-based Seq2Seq model.