Source code for tensorlayer.layers.convolution.super_resolution

#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorlayer as tl
from tensorlayer import logging
from tensorlayer.decorators import deprecated_alias, private_method
from tensorlayer.layers.core import Layer

__all__ = [

[docs]class SubpixelConv1d(Layer): """It is a 1D sub-pixel up-sampling layer. Calls a TensorFlow function that directly implements this functionality. We assume input has dim (batch, width, r) Parameters ------------ scale : int The up-scaling ratio, a wrong setting will lead to Dimension size error. act : activation function The activation function of this layer. in_channels : int The number of in channels. name : str A unique layer name. Examples ---------- With TensorLayer >>> net = tl.layers.Input([8, 25, 32], name='input') >>> subpixelconv1d = tl.layers.SubpixelConv1d(scale=2, name='subpixelconv1d')(net) >>> print(subpixelconv1d) >>> output shape : (8, 50, 16) References ----------- `Audio Super Resolution Implementation <>`__. """ def __init__( self, scale=2, act=None, in_channels=None, name=None # 'subpixel_conv1d' ): super().__init__(name, act=act) self.scale = scale self.in_channels = in_channels self.out_channels = int(self.in_channels / self.scale) if self.in_channels is not None: self._built = True "SubpixelConv1d %s: scale: %d act: %s" % (, scale, self.act.__name__ if self.act is not None else 'No Activation') ) def __repr__(self): actstr = self.act.__name__ if self.act is not None else 'No Activation' s = ('{classname}(in_channels={in_channels}, out_channels={out_channels}') s += (', ' + actstr) if is not None: s += ', name=\'{name}\'' s += ')' return s.format(classname=self.__class__.__name__, **self.__dict__) def build(self, inputs_shape): if inputs_shape is not None: self.in_channels = inputs_shape[-1] self.out_channels = int(self.in_channels / self.scale) pass def forward(self, inputs): outputs = self._PS(inputs, r=self.scale) if self.act is not None: outputs = self.act(outputs) return outputs @private_method def _PS(self, I, r): X = tf.transpose(a=I, perm=[2, 1, 0]) # (r, w, b) X = tf.batch_to_space(input=X, block_shape=[r], crops=[[0, 0]]) # (1, r*w, b) X = tf.transpose(a=X, perm=[2, 1, 0]) return X
[docs]class SubpixelConv2d(Layer): """It is a 2D sub-pixel up-sampling layer, usually be used for Super-Resolution applications, see `SRGAN <>`__ for example. Parameters ------------ scale : int The up-scaling ratio, a wrong setting will lead to dimension size error. n_out_channel : int or None The number of output channels. - If None, automatically set n_out_channel == the number of input channels / (scale x scale). - The number of input channels == (scale x scale) x The number of output channels. act : activation function The activation function of this layer. in_channels : int The number of in channels. name : str A unique layer name. Examples --------- With TensorLayer >>> # examples here just want to tell you how to set the n_out_channel. >>> net = tl.layers.Input([2, 16, 16, 4], name='input1') >>> subpixelconv2d = tl.layers.SubpixelConv2d(scale=2, n_out_channel=1, name='subpixel_conv2d1')(net) >>> print(subpixelconv2d) >>> output shape : (2, 32, 32, 1) >>> net = tl.layers.Input([2, 16, 16, 4*10], name='input2') >>> subpixelconv2d = tl.layers.SubpixelConv2d(scale=2, n_out_channel=10, name='subpixel_conv2d2')(net) >>> print(subpixelconv2d) >>> output shape : (2, 32, 32, 10) >>> net = tl.layers.Input([2, 16, 16, 25*10], name='input3') >>> subpixelconv2d = tl.layers.SubpixelConv2d(scale=5, n_out_channel=10, name='subpixel_conv2d3')(net) >>> print(subpixelconv2d) >>> output shape : (2, 80, 80, 10) References ------------ - `Real-Time Single Image and Video Super-Resolution Using an Efficient Sub-Pixel Convolutional Neural Network <>`__ """ # github/Tetrachrome/subpixel def __init__( self, scale=2, n_out_channels=None, act=None, in_channels=None, name=None # 'subpixel_conv2d' ): super().__init__(name, act=act) self.scale = scale self.n_out_channels = n_out_channels self.in_channels = in_channels if self.in_channels is not None: self._built = True "SubpixelConv2d %s: scale: %d act: %s" % (, scale, self.act.__name__ if self.act is not None else 'No Activation') ) def __repr__(self): actstr = self.act.__name__ if self.act is not None else 'No Activation' s = ('{classname}(in_channels={in_channels}, out_channels={n_out_channels}') s += (', ' + actstr) if is not None: s += ', name=\'{name}\'' s += ')' return s.format(classname=self.__class__.__name__, **self.__dict__) def build(self, inputs_shape): if inputs_shape is not None: self.in_channels = inputs_shape[-1] if self.in_channels / (self.scale**2) % 1 != 0: raise Exception( "SubpixelConv2d: The number of input channels == (scale x scale) x The number of output channels" ) self.n_out_channels = int(self.in_channels / (self.scale**2)) def forward(self, inputs): outputs = self._PS(X=inputs, r=self.scale, n_out_channels=self.n_out_channels) if self.act is not None: outputs = self.act(outputs) return outputs @private_method def _PS(self, X, r, n_out_channels): _err_log = "SubpixelConv2d: The number of input channels == (scale x scale) x The number of output channels" if n_out_channels >= 1: if int(X.get_shape()[-1]) != (r**2) * n_out_channels: raise Exception(_err_log) X = tf.compat.v1.depth_to_space(input=X, block_size=r) else: raise RuntimeError(_err_log) return X