Source code for tensorlayer.models.seq2seq_with_attention

#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorlayer as tl
from tensorlayer.layers import Dense, Dropout, Input
from tensorlayer.layers.core import Layer
from tensorlayer.models import Model

__all__ = ['Seq2seqLuongAttention']

class Encoder(Layer):

    def __init__(self, hidden_size, cell, embedding_layer, name=None):
        super(Encoder, self).__init__(name)
        self.cell = cell(hidden_size)
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        self.embedding_layer = embedding_layer, None, self.embedding_layer.embedding_size))
        self._built = True

    def build(self, inputs_shape):
        self._built = True
        if self._trainable_weights is None:
            self._trainable_weights = list()

        for var in self.cell.trainable_variables:

    def forward(self, src_seq, initial_state=None):

        states = initial_state if initial_state is not None else self.cell.get_initial_state(src_seq)
        encoding_hidden_states = list()
        total_steps = src_seq.get_shape().as_list()[1]
        for time_step in range(total_steps):
            if not isinstance(states, list):
                states = [states]
            output, states =[:, time_step, :], states, training=self.is_train)
        return output, encoding_hidden_states, states[0]

class Decoder_Attention(Layer):

    def __init__(self, hidden_size, cell, embedding_layer, method, name=None):
        super(Decoder_Attention, self).__init__(name)
        self.cell = cell(hidden_size)
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        self.embedding_layer = embedding_layer
        self.method = method, hidden_size + self.embedding_layer.embedding_size))
        self._built = True

    def build(self, inputs_shape):
        self._built = True
        if self.method is "concat":
            self.W = self._get_weights("W", shape=(2 * self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size))
            self.V = self._get_weights("V", shape=(self.hidden_size, 1))
        elif self.method is "general":
            self.W = self._get_weights("W", shape=(self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size))
        if self._trainable_weights is None:
            self._trainable_weights = list()

        for var in self.cell.trainable_variables:

    def score(self, encoding_hidden, hidden, method):
        # encoding = [B, T, H]
        # hidden = [B, H]
        # combined = [B,T,2H]
        if method is "concat":
            # hidden = [B,H]->[B,1,H]->[B,T,H]
            hidden = tf.expand_dims(hidden, 1)
            hidden = tf.tile(hidden, [1, encoding_hidden.shape[1], 1])
            # combined = [B,T,2H]
            combined = tf.concat([hidden, encoding_hidden], 2)
            combined = tf.cast(combined, tf.float32)
            score = tf.tensordot(combined, self.W, axes=[[2], [0]])  # score = [B,T,H]
            score = tf.nn.tanh(score)  # score = [B,T,H]
            score = tf.tensordot(self.V, score, axes=[[0], [2]])  # score = [1,B,T]
            score = tf.squeeze(score, axis=0)  # score = [B,T]

        elif method is "dot":
            # hidden = [B,H]->[B,H,1]
            hidden = tf.expand_dims(hidden, 2)
            score = tf.matmul(encoding_hidden, hidden)
            score = tf.squeeze(score, axis=2)
        elif method is "general":
            # hidden = [B,H]->[B,H,1]
            score = tf.matmul(hidden, self.W)
            score = tf.expand_dims(score, 2)
            score = tf.matmul(encoding_hidden, score)
            score = tf.squeeze(score, axis=2)

        score = tf.nn.softmax(score, axis=-1)  # score = [B,T]
        return score

    def forward(self, dec_seq, enc_hiddens, last_hidden, method, return_last_state=False):
        # dec_seq = [B, T_, V], enc_hiddens = [B, T, H], last_hidden = [B, H]
        total_steps = dec_seq.get_shape().as_list()[1]
        states = last_hidden
        cell_outputs = list()
        for time_step in range(total_steps):
            attention_weights = self.score(enc_hiddens, last_hidden, method)
            attention_weights = tf.expand_dims(attention_weights, 1)  #[B, 1, T]
            context = tf.matmul(attention_weights, enc_hiddens)  #[B, 1, H]
            context = tf.squeeze(context, 1)  #[B, H]
            inputs = tf.concat([dec_seq[:, time_step, :], context], 1)
            if not isinstance(states, list):
                states = [states]
            cell_output, states =, states, training=self.is_train)
            last_hidden = states[0]

        cell_outputs = tf.convert_to_tensor(cell_outputs)
        cell_outputs = tf.transpose(cell_outputs, perm=[1, 0, 2])
        if (return_last_state):
            return cell_outputs, last_hidden
        return cell_outputs

[docs]class Seq2seqLuongAttention(Model): """Luong Attention-based Seq2Seq model. Implementation based on Parameters ---------- hidden_size: int The hidden size of both encoder and decoder RNN cells cell : TensorFlow cell function The RNN function cell for your encoder and decoder stack, e.g. tf.keras.layers.GRUCell embedding_layer : tl.Layer A embedding layer, e.g. tl.layers.Embedding(vocabulary_size=voc_size, embedding_size=emb_dim) method : str The three alternatives to calculate the attention scores, e.g. "dot", "general" and "concat" name : str The model name Returns ------- static single layer attention-based Seq2Seq model. """ def __init__(self, hidden_size, embedding_layer, cell, method, name=None): super(Seq2seqLuongAttention, self).__init__(name) self.enc_layer = Encoder(hidden_size, cell, embedding_layer) self.dec_layer = Decoder_Attention(hidden_size, cell, embedding_layer, method=method) self.embedding_layer = embedding_layer self.dense_layer = tl.layers.Dense(n_units=self.embedding_layer.vocabulary_size, in_channels=hidden_size) self.method = method def inference(self, src_seq, encoding_hidden_states, last_hidden_states, seq_length, sos): """Inference mode""" """ Parameters ---------- src_seq : input tensor The source sequences encoding_hidden_states : a list of tensor The list of encoder's hidden states at each time step last_hidden_states: tensor The last hidden_state from encoder seq_length : int The expected length of your predicted sequence. sos : int <SOS> : The token of "start of sequence" """ batch_size = src_seq.shape[0] decoding = [[sos] for i in range(batch_size)] dec_output = self.embedding_layer(decoding) outputs = [[0] for i in range(batch_size)] for step in range(seq_length): dec_output, last_hidden_states = self.dec_layer( dec_output, encoding_hidden_states, last_hidden_states, method=self.method, return_last_state=True ) dec_output = tf.reshape(dec_output, [-1, dec_output.shape[-1]]) dec_output = self.dense_layer(dec_output) dec_output = tf.reshape(dec_output, [batch_size, -1, dec_output.shape[-1]]) dec_output = tf.argmax(dec_output, -1) outputs = tf.concat([outputs, dec_output], 1) dec_output = self.embedding_layer(dec_output) return outputs[:, 1:] def forward(self, inputs, seq_length=20, sos=None): src_seq = inputs[0] src_seq = self.embedding_layer(src_seq) enc_output, encoding_hidden_states, last_hidden_states = self.enc_layer(src_seq) encoding_hidden_states = tf.convert_to_tensor(encoding_hidden_states) encoding_hidden_states = tf.transpose(encoding_hidden_states, perm=[1, 0, 2]) last_hidden_states = tf.convert_to_tensor(last_hidden_states) if (self.is_train): dec_seq = inputs[1] dec_seq = self.embedding_layer(dec_seq) dec_output = self.dec_layer(dec_seq, encoding_hidden_states, last_hidden_states, method=self.method) batch_size = dec_output.shape[0] dec_output = tf.reshape(dec_output, [-1, dec_output.shape[-1]]) dec_output = self.dense_layer(dec_output) dec_output = tf.reshape(dec_output, [batch_size, -1, dec_output.shape[-1]]) else: dec_output = self.inference(src_seq, encoding_hidden_states, last_hidden_states, seq_length, sos) return dec_output