API - Utility

fit(network, train_op, cost, X_train, y_train)

Training a given non time-series network by the given cost function, training data, batch_size, n_epoch etc.

test(network, acc, X_test, y_test, batch_size)

Test a given non time-series network by the given test data and metric.

predict(network, X[, batch_size])

Return the predict results of given non time-series network.

evaluation([y_test, y_predict, n_classes])

Input the predicted results, targets results and the number of class, return the confusion matrix, F1-score of each class, accuracy and macro F1-score.

class_balancing_oversample([X_train, …])

Input the features and labels, return the features and labels after oversampling.

get_random_int([min_v, max_v, number, seed])

Return a list of random integer by the given range and quantity.


Input a dictionary, return a dictionary that all items are set to one.


Inputs ['a', 'b', 'c'], returns {'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2}.


Input a list of list, return a list that all items are in a list.


Close TensorBoard and Nvidia-process if available.

open_tensorboard([log_dir, port])

Open Tensorboard.


Clears all the placeholder variables of keep prob, including keeping probabilities of all dropout, denoising, dropconnect etc.


Set the GPU memory fraction for the application.

Training, testing and predicting


tensorlayer.utils.fit(network, train_op, cost, X_train, y_train, acc=None, batch_size=100, n_epoch=100, print_freq=5, X_val=None, y_val=None, eval_train=True, tensorboard_dir=None, tensorboard_epoch_freq=5, tensorboard_weight_histograms=True, tensorboard_graph_vis=True)[source]

Training a given non time-series network by the given cost function, training data, batch_size, n_epoch etc.

  • MNIST example click here.

  • In order to control the training details, the authors HIGHLY recommend tl.iterate see two MNIST examples 1, 2.

  • network (TensorLayer Model) – the network to be trained.

  • train_op (TensorFlow optimizer) – The optimizer for training e.g. tf.optimizers.Adam().

  • cost (TensorLayer or TensorFlow loss function) – Metric for loss function, e.g tl.cost.cross_entropy.

  • X_train (numpy.array) – The input of training data

  • y_train (numpy.array) – The target of training data

  • acc (TensorFlow/numpy expression or None) – Metric for accuracy or others. If None, would not print the information.

  • batch_size (int) – The batch size for training and evaluating.

  • n_epoch (int) – The number of training epochs.

  • print_freq (int) – Print the training information every print_freq epochs.

  • X_val (numpy.array or None) – The input of validation data. If None, would not perform validation.

  • y_val (numpy.array or None) – The target of validation data. If None, would not perform validation.

  • eval_train (boolean) – Whether to evaluate the model during training. If X_val and y_val are not None, it reflects whether to evaluate the model on training data.

  • tensorboard_dir (string) – path to log dir, if set, summary data will be stored to the tensorboard_dir/ directory for visualization with tensorboard. (default None)

  • tensorboard_epoch_freq (int) – How many epochs between storing tensorboard checkpoint for visualization to log/ directory (default 5).

  • tensorboard_weight_histograms (boolean) – If True updates tensorboard data in the logs/ directory for visualization of the weight histograms every tensorboard_epoch_freq epoch (default True).

  • tensorboard_graph_vis (boolean) – If True stores the graph in the tensorboard summaries saved to log/ (default True).


See tutorial_mnist_simple.py

>>> tl.utils.fit(network, train_op=tf.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.0001),
...              cost=tl.cost.cross_entropy, X_train=X_train, y_train=y_train, acc=acc,
...              batch_size=64, n_epoch=20, _val=X_val, y_val=y_val, eval_train=True)
>>> tl.utils.fit(network, train_op, cost, X_train, y_train,
...            acc=acc, batch_size=500, n_epoch=200, print_freq=5,
...            X_val=X_val, y_val=y_val, eval_train=False, tensorboard=True)


‘tensorboard_weight_histograms’ and ‘tensorboard_weight_histograms’ are not supported now.


tensorlayer.utils.test(network, acc, X_test, y_test, batch_size, cost=None)[source]

Test a given non time-series network by the given test data and metric.

  • network (TensorLayer Model) – The network.

  • acc (TensorFlow/numpy expression or None) –

    Metric for accuracy or others.
    • If None, would not print the information.

  • X_test (numpy.array) – The input of testing data.

  • y_test (numpy array) – The target of testing data

  • batch_size (int or None) – The batch size for testing, when dataset is large, we should use minibatche for testing; if dataset is small, we can set it to None.

  • cost (TensorLayer or TensorFlow loss function) – Metric for loss function, e.g tl.cost.cross_entropy. If None, would not print the information.


See tutorial_mnist_simple.py

>>> def acc(_logits, y_batch):
...     return np.mean(np.equal(np.argmax(_logits, 1), y_batch))
>>> tl.utils.test(network, acc, X_test, y_test, batch_size=None, cost=tl.cost.cross_entropy)


tensorlayer.utils.predict(network, X, batch_size=None)[source]

Return the predict results of given non time-series network.

  • network (TensorLayer Model) – The network.

  • X (numpy.array) – The inputs.

  • batch_size (int or None) – The batch size for prediction, when dataset is large, we should use minibatche for prediction; if dataset is small, we can set it to None.


See tutorial_mnist_simple.py

>>> _logits = tl.utils.predict(network, X_test)
>>> y_pred = np.argmax(_logits, 1)

Evaluation functions

tensorlayer.utils.evaluation(y_test=None, y_predict=None, n_classes=None)[source]

Input the predicted results, targets results and the number of class, return the confusion matrix, F1-score of each class, accuracy and macro F1-score.

  • y_test (list) – The target results

  • y_predict (list) – The predicted results

  • n_classes (int) – The number of classes


>>> c_mat, f1, acc, f1_macro = tl.utils.evaluation(y_test, y_predict, n_classes)

Class balancing functions

tensorlayer.utils.class_balancing_oversample(X_train=None, y_train=None, printable=True)[source]

Input the features and labels, return the features and labels after oversampling.

  • X_train (numpy.array) – The inputs.

  • y_train (numpy.array) – The targets.


One X

>>> X_train, y_train = class_balancing_oversample(X_train, y_train, printable=True)

Two X

>>> X, y = tl.utils.class_balancing_oversample(X_train=np.hstack((X1, X2)), y_train=y, printable=False)
>>> X1 = X[:, 0:5]
>>> X2 = X[:, 5:]

Random functions

tensorlayer.utils.get_random_int(min_v=0, max_v=10, number=5, seed=None)[source]

Return a list of random integer by the given range and quantity.

  • min_v (number) – The minimum value.

  • max_v (number) – The maximum value.

  • number (int) – Number of value.

  • seed (int or None) – The seed for random.


>>> r = get_random_int(min_v=0, max_v=10, number=5)
[10, 2, 3, 3, 7]

Dictionary and list

Set all items in dictionary to one


Input a dictionary, return a dictionary that all items are set to one.

Used for disable dropout, dropconnect layer and so on.


dp_dict (dictionary) – The dictionary contains key and number, e.g. keeping probabilities.

Convert list of string to dictionary


Inputs ['a', 'b', 'c'], returns {'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2}.

Flatten a list


Input a list of list, return a list that all items are in a list.


list_of_list (a list of list) –


>>> tl.utils.flatten_list([[1, 2, 3],[4, 5],[6]])
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Close TF session and associated processes


Close TensorBoard and Nvidia-process if available.


port (int) – TensorBoard port you want to close, 6006 as default.

Open TensorBoard

tensorlayer.utils.open_tensorboard(log_dir='/tmp/tensorflow', port=6006)[source]

Open Tensorboard.

  • log_dir (str) – Directory where your tensorboard logs are saved

  • port (int) – TensorBoard port you want to open, 6006 is tensorboard default

Clear TensorFlow placeholder


Clears all the placeholder variables of keep prob, including keeping probabilities of all dropout, denoising, dropconnect etc.


printable (boolean) – If True, print all deleted variables.

Set GPU functions


Set the GPU memory fraction for the application.


gpu_fraction (None or float) – Fraction of GPU memory, (0 ~ 1]. If None, allow gpu memory growth.
