Source code for tensorlayer.cost

#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numbers

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import standard_ops, math_ops, nn_ops, array_ops

from tensorlayer import logging

__all__ = [

[docs]def cross_entropy(output, target, name=None): """Softmax cross-entropy operation, returns the TensorFlow expression of cross-entropy for two distributions, it implements softmax internally. See ``tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits``. Parameters ---------- output : Tensor A batch of distribution with shape: [batch_size, num of classes]. target : Tensor A batch of index with shape: [batch_size, ]. name : string Name of this loss. Examples -------- >>> import tensorlayer as tl >>> ce = tl.cost.cross_entropy(y_logits, y_target_logits, 'my_loss') References ----------- - About cross-entropy: `<>`__. - The code is borrowed from: `<>`__. """ # if name is None: # raise Exception("Please give a unique name to tl.cost.cross_entropy for TF1.0+") return tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=target, logits=output), name=name)
[docs]def sigmoid_cross_entropy(output, target, name=None): """Sigmoid cross-entropy operation, see ``tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits``. Parameters ---------- output : Tensor A batch of distribution with shape: [batch_size, num of classes]. target : Tensor A batch of index with shape: [batch_size, ]. name : string Name of this loss. """ return tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=target, logits=output), name=name)
[docs]def binary_cross_entropy(output, target, epsilon=1e-8, name='bce_loss'): """Binary cross entropy operation. Parameters ---------- output : Tensor Tensor with type of `float32` or `float64`. target : Tensor The target distribution, format the same with `output`. epsilon : float A small value to avoid output to be zero. name : str An optional name to attach to this function. References ----------- - `ericjang-DRAW <>`__ """ # with ops.op_scope([output, target], name, "bce_loss") as name: # output = ops.convert_to_tensor(output, name="preds") # target = ops.convert_to_tensor(targets, name="target") # with tf.name_scope(name): return tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_sum( -(target * tf.math.log(output + epsilon) + (1. - target) * tf.math.log(1. - output + epsilon)), axis=1 ), name=name )
# For brevity, let `x = output`, `z = target`. The binary cross entropy loss is # # loss(x, z) = - sum_i (x[i] * log(z[i]) + (1 - x[i]) * log(1 - z[i]))
[docs]def mean_squared_error(output, target, is_mean=False, axis=-1, name="mean_squared_error"): """Return the TensorFlow expression of mean-square-error (L2) of two batch of data. Parameters ---------- output : Tensor 2D, 3D or 4D tensor i.e. [batch_size, n_feature], [batch_size, height, width] or [batch_size, height, width, channel]. target : Tensor The target distribution, format the same with `output`. is_mean : boolean Whether compute the mean or sum for each example. - If True, use ``tf.reduce_mean`` to compute the loss between one target and predict data. - If False, use ``tf.reduce_sum`` (default). axis : int or list of int The dimensions to reduce. name : str An optional name to attach to this function. References ------------ - `Wiki Mean Squared Error <>`__ """ # with tf.name_scope(name): # if len(output.shape) == 2: # [batch_size, n_feature] # axis = 1 # elif len(output.shape) == 3: # [batch_size, w, h] # axis = [1, 2] # elif len(output.shape) == 4: # [batch_size, w, h, c] # axis = [1, 2, 3] # else: # raise Exception("Unknow dimension") if is_mean: mse = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_mean(tf.math.squared_difference(output, target), axis), name=name) else: mse = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.squared_difference(output, target), axis), name=name) return mse
[docs]def normalized_mean_square_error(output, target, axis=-1, name="normalized_mean_squared_error_loss"): """Return the TensorFlow expression of normalized mean-square-error of two distributions. Parameters ---------- output : Tensor 2D, 3D or 4D tensor i.e. [batch_size, n_feature], [batch_size, height, width] or [batch_size, height, width, channel]. target : Tensor The target distribution, format the same with `output`. axis : int or list of int The dimensions to reduce. name : str An optional name to attach to this function. """ with tf.name_scope("normalized_mean_squared_error_loss"): # if len(output.shape) == 2: # [batch_size, n_feature] # axis = 1 # elif len(output.shape) == 3: # [batch_size, w, h] # axis = [1, 2] # elif len(output.shape) == 4: # [batch_size, w, h, c] # axis = [1, 2, 3] nmse_a = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.squared_difference(output, target), axis=axis)) nmse_b = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(target), axis=axis)) nmse = tf.reduce_mean(nmse_a / nmse_b, name=name) return nmse
[docs]def absolute_difference_error(output, target, is_mean=False, axis=-1, name="absolute_difference_error_loss"): """Return the TensorFlow expression of absolute difference error (L1) of two batch of data. Parameters ---------- output : Tensor 2D, 3D or 4D tensor i.e. [batch_size, n_feature], [batch_size, height, width] or [batch_size, height, width, channel]. target : Tensor The target distribution, format the same with `output`. is_mean : boolean Whether compute the mean or sum for each example. - If True, use ``tf.reduce_mean`` to compute the loss between one target and predict data. - If False, use ``tf.reduce_sum`` (default). axis : int or list of int The dimensions to reduce. name : str An optional name to attach to this function. """ # # with tf.name_scope("absolute_difference_error_loss"): # if len(output.shape) == 2: # [batch_size, n_feature] # axis = 1 # elif len(output.shape) == 3: # [batch_size, w, h] # axis = [1, 2] # elif len(output.shape) == 4: # [batch_size, w, h, c] # axis = [1, 2, 3] # else: # raise Exception("Unknow dimension") if is_mean: loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(output - target), axis), name=name) else: loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(output - target), axis), name=name) return loss
[docs]def dice_coe(output, target, loss_type='jaccard', axis=(1, 2, 3), smooth=1e-5): """Soft dice (Sørensen or Jaccard) coefficient for comparing the similarity of two batch of data, usually be used for binary image segmentation i.e. labels are binary. The coefficient between 0 to 1, 1 means totally match. Parameters ----------- output : Tensor A distribution with shape: [batch_size, ....], (any dimensions). target : Tensor The target distribution, format the same with `output`. loss_type : str ``jaccard`` or ``sorensen``, default is ``jaccard``. axis : tuple of int All dimensions are reduced, default ``[1,2,3]``. smooth : float This small value will be added to the numerator and denominator. - If both output and target are empty, it makes sure dice is 1. - If either output or target are empty (all pixels are background), dice = ```smooth/(small_value + smooth)``, then if smooth is very small, dice close to 0 (even the image values lower than the threshold), so in this case, higher smooth can have a higher dice. Examples --------- >>> import tensorlayer as tl >>> outputs = tl.act.pixel_wise_softmax(outputs) >>> dice_loss = 1 - tl.cost.dice_coe(outputs, y_) References ----------- - `Wiki-Dice <ørensen–Dice_coefficient>`__ """ inse = tf.reduce_sum(output * target, axis=axis) if loss_type == 'jaccard': l = tf.reduce_sum(output * output, axis=axis) r = tf.reduce_sum(target * target, axis=axis) elif loss_type == 'sorensen': l = tf.reduce_sum(output, axis=axis) r = tf.reduce_sum(target, axis=axis) else: raise Exception("Unknow loss_type") # old axis=[0,1,2,3] # dice = 2 * (inse) / (l + r) # epsilon = 1e-5 # dice = tf.clip_by_value(dice, 0, 1.0-epsilon) # if all empty, dice = 1 # new haodong dice = (2. * inse + smooth) / (l + r + smooth) ## dice = tf.reduce_mean(dice, name='dice_coe') return dice
[docs]def dice_hard_coe(output, target, threshold=0.5, axis=(1, 2, 3), smooth=1e-5): """Non-differentiable Sørensen–Dice coefficient for comparing the similarity of two batch of data, usually be used for binary image segmentation i.e. labels are binary. The coefficient between 0 to 1, 1 if totally match. Parameters ----------- output : tensor A distribution with shape: [batch_size, ....], (any dimensions). target : tensor The target distribution, format the same with `output`. threshold : float The threshold value to be true. axis : tuple of integer All dimensions are reduced, default ``(1,2,3)``. smooth : float This small value will be added to the numerator and denominator, see ``dice_coe``. References ----------- - `Wiki-Dice <ørensen–Dice_coefficient>`__ """ output = tf.cast(output > threshold, dtype=tf.float32) target = tf.cast(target > threshold, dtype=tf.float32) inse = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(output, target), axis=axis) l = tf.reduce_sum(output, axis=axis) r = tf.reduce_sum(target, axis=axis) # old axis=[0,1,2,3] # hard_dice = 2 * (inse) / (l + r) # epsilon = 1e-5 # hard_dice = tf.clip_by_value(hard_dice, 0, 1.0-epsilon) # new haodong hard_dice = (2. * inse + smooth) / (l + r + smooth) ## hard_dice = tf.reduce_mean(hard_dice, name='hard_dice') return hard_dice
[docs]def iou_coe(output, target, threshold=0.5, axis=(1, 2, 3), smooth=1e-5): """Non-differentiable Intersection over Union (IoU) for comparing the similarity of two batch of data, usually be used for evaluating binary image segmentation. The coefficient between 0 to 1, and 1 means totally match. Parameters ----------- output : tensor A batch of distribution with shape: [batch_size, ....], (any dimensions). target : tensor The target distribution, format the same with `output`. threshold : float The threshold value to be true. axis : tuple of integer All dimensions are reduced, default ``(1,2,3)``. smooth : float This small value will be added to the numerator and denominator, see ``dice_coe``. Notes ------ - IoU cannot be used as training loss, people usually use dice coefficient for training, IoU and hard-dice for evaluating. """ pre = tf.cast(output > threshold, dtype=tf.float32) truth = tf.cast(target > threshold, dtype=tf.float32) inse = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(pre, truth), axis=axis) # AND union = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(tf.add(pre, truth) >= 1, dtype=tf.float32), axis=axis) # OR # old axis=[0,1,2,3] # epsilon = 1e-5 # batch_iou = inse / (union + epsilon) # new haodong batch_iou = (inse + smooth) / (union + smooth) iou = tf.reduce_mean(batch_iou, name='iou_coe') return iou # , pre, truth, inse, union
# ## test soft/hard dice and iou # import numpy as np # y = np.zeros((1,10,10,1)) # # y[0,0:5,0:5]=1.0 # o = np.zeros((1,10,10,1)) # # o[:,:,:,:] = 0 # what we want: dice=0 iou=0 OK # # o[0,0:2,0:2]=0.3 # what we want: dice larger iou=0 OK # # o[0,0:2,0:2]=0.6 # what we want: dice larger iou small OK # # o[0,0:3,0:3]=0.6 # what we want: dice larger iou larger OK # # o[0,0:3,0:3]=1 # what we want: dice larger iou same OK # # o[0,0:5,0:5]=1 # what we want: dice=1 iou=1 OK # # o[0,0:5,0:5]=0.3 # what we want: dice smaller iou=0 OK # # o[0,0:5,0:5]=1e-2 # what we want: dice≈0 iou=0 OK # # o[0,8:10,8:10]=1.0 # what we want: dice=0 iou=0 OK # # o[0,8:10,8:10]=1e-10 # what we want: dice=0 iou=0 OK # # y[:,:,:,:] = o[:,:,:,:] = 0 # what we want: dice=1 iou=1 OK # ## why in u-net, dice=1 hard-dice=1 iou=1 exist?? print bug? # # d = dice_coe(o, y, 'jaccard', smooth=1.) # hd = dice_hard_coe(o, y, smooth=1e-5) # i = iou_coe(o, y, smooth=1e-5) # sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)) # # # print([d,hd,i])) # # p, t, i, u =[pre, truth, inse, union]) # # import pprint # # pprint.pprint(((y>0.5)*(o>0.5)).astype(int).tolist()) # # pprint.pprint(p.tolist()) # # pprint.pprint(t.tolist()) # # pprint.pprint(i) # # pprint.pprint(u) # exit() def sequence_loss_by_example( logits, targets, weights, average_across_timesteps=True, softmax_loss_function=None, name=None ): """Weighted cross-entropy loss for a sequence of logits (per example). see original tensorflow code : <> Parameters ---------- logits: List List of 2D Tensors of shape [batch_size x num_decoder_symbols]. targets: List List of 1D batch-sized int32 Tensors of the same length as logits. weights: List List of 1D batch-sized float-Tensors of the same length as logits. average_across_timesteps: Boolean If set, divide the returned cost by the total label weight. softmax_loss_function: None or Function Function (labels, logits) -> loss-batch to be used instead of the standard softmax (the default if this is None). **Note that to avoid confusion, it is required for the function to accept named arguments.** name: None or str Optional name for this operation, default: "sequence_loss_by_example". Returns ------- 1D batch-sized float Tensor: The log-perplexity for each sequence. Raises ------ ValueError: If len(logits) is different from len(targets) or len(weights). """ if len(targets) != len(logits) or len(weights) != len(logits): raise ValueError( "Lengths of logits, weights, and targets must be the same " "%d, %d, %d." % (len(logits), len(weights), len(targets)) ) with ops.name_scope(name, "sequence_loss_by_example", logits + targets + weights): log_perp_list = [] for logit, target, weight in zip(logits, targets, weights): if softmax_loss_function is None: # TODO(irving,ebrevdo): This reshape is needed because # sequence_loss_by_example is called with scalars sometimes, which # violates our general scalar strictness policy. target = array_ops.reshape(target, [-1]) crossent = nn_ops.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=target, logits=logit) else: crossent = softmax_loss_function(labels=target, logits=logit) log_perp_list.append(crossent * weight) log_perps = math_ops.add_n(log_perp_list) if average_across_timesteps: total_size = math_ops.add_n(weights) total_size += 1e-12 # Just to avoid division by 0 for all-0 weights. log_perps /= total_size return log_perps
[docs]def cross_entropy_seq(logits, target_seqs, batch_size=None): """Returns the expression of cross-entropy of two sequences, implement softmax internally. Normally be used for fixed length RNN outputs, see `PTB example <>`__. Parameters ---------- logits : Tensor 2D tensor with shape of `[batch_size * n_steps, n_classes]`. target_seqs : Tensor The target sequence, 2D tensor `[batch_size, n_steps]`, if the number of step is dynamic, please use ``tl.cost.cross_entropy_seq_with_mask`` instead. batch_size : None or int. Whether to divide the cost by batch size. - If integer, the return cost will be divided by `batch_size`. - If None (default), the return cost will not be divided by anything. Examples -------- >>> import tensorlayer as tl >>> # see `PTB example <>`__.for more details >>> # outputs shape : (batch_size * n_steps, n_classes) >>> # targets shape : (batch_size, n_steps) >>> cost = tl.cost.cross_entropy_seq(outputs, targets) """ sequence_loss_by_example_fn = sequence_loss_by_example loss = sequence_loss_by_example_fn( [logits], [tf.reshape(target_seqs, [-1])], [tf.ones_like(tf.reshape(target_seqs, [-1]), dtype=tf.float32)] ) # [tf.ones([batch_size * num_steps])]) cost = tf.reduce_sum(loss) # / batch_size if batch_size is not None: cost = cost / batch_size return cost
[docs]def cross_entropy_seq_with_mask(logits, target_seqs, input_mask, return_details=False, name=None): """Returns the expression of cross-entropy of two sequences, implement softmax internally. Normally be used for Dynamic RNN with Synced sequence input and output. Parameters ----------- logits : Tensor 2D tensor with shape of [batch_size * ?, n_classes], `?` means dynamic IDs for each example. - Can be get from `DynamicRNNLayer` by setting ``return_seq_2d`` to `True`. target_seqs : Tensor int of tensor, like word ID. [batch_size, ?], `?` means dynamic IDs for each example. input_mask : Tensor The mask to compute loss, it has the same size with `target_seqs`, normally 0 or 1. return_details : boolean Whether to return detailed losses. - If False (default), only returns the loss. - If True, returns the loss, losses, weights and targets (see source code). Examples -------- >>> import tensorlayer as tl >>> import tensorflow as tf >>> import numpy as np >>> batch_size = 64 >>> vocab_size = 10000 >>> embedding_size = 256 >>> ni = tl.layers.Input([batch_size, None], dtype=tf.int64) >>> net = tl.layers.Embedding( ... vocabulary_size = vocab_size, ... embedding_size = embedding_size, ... name = 'seq_embedding')(ni) >>> net = tl.layers.RNN( ... cell =tf.keras.layers.LSTMCell(units=embedding_size, dropout=0.1), ... return_seq_2d = True, ... name = 'dynamicrnn')(net) >>> net = tl.layers.Dense(n_units=vocab_size, name="output")(net) >>> model = tl.models.Model(inputs=ni, outputs=net) >>> input_seqs = np.random.randint(0, 10, size=(batch_size, 10), dtype=np.int64) >>> target_seqs = np.random.randint(0, 10, size=(batch_size, 10), dtype=np.int64) >>> input_mask = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(batch_size, 10), dtype=np.int64) >>> outputs = model(input_seqs, is_train=True) >>> loss = tl.cost.cross_entropy_seq_with_mask(outputs, target_seqs, input_mask) """ targets = tf.reshape(target_seqs, [-1]) # to one vector weights = tf.cast(tf.reshape(input_mask, [-1]), dtype=tf.float32) # to one vector like targets losses = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=targets, name=name) * weights # losses = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=targets, name=name)) # for TF1.0 and others loss = tf.divide( tf.reduce_sum(losses), # loss from mask. reduce_sum before element-wise mul with mask !! tf.reduce_sum(weights), name="seq_loss_with_mask" ) if return_details: return loss, losses, weights, targets else: return loss
[docs]def cosine_similarity(v1, v2): """Cosine similarity [-1, 1]. Parameters ---------- v1, v2 : Tensor Tensor with the same shape [batch_size, n_feature]. References ---------- - `Wiki <>`__. """ return tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(v1, v2), 1) / \ (tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(v1, v1), 1)) * tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(v2, v2), 1)))
# Regularization Functions
[docs]def li_regularizer(scale, scope=None): """Li regularization removes the neurons of previous layer. The `i` represents `inputs`. Returns a function that can be used to apply group li regularization to weights. The implementation follows `TensorFlow contrib <>`__. Parameters ---------- scale : float A scalar multiplier `Tensor`. 0.0 disables the regularizer. scope: str An optional scope name for this function. Returns -------- A function with signature `li(weights, name=None)` that apply Li regularization. Raises ------ ValueError : if scale is outside of the range [0.0, 1.0] or if scale is not a float. """ if isinstance(scale, numbers.Integral): raise ValueError('scale cannot be an integer: %s' % scale) if isinstance(scale, numbers.Real): if scale < 0.: raise ValueError('Setting a scale less than 0 on a regularizer: %g' % scale) if scale >= 1.: raise ValueError('Setting a scale greater than 1 on a regularizer: %g' % scale) if scale == 0.:'Scale of 0 disables regularizer.') return lambda _, name=None: None def li(weights): """Applies li regularization to weights.""" with tf.name_scope('li_regularizer') as scope: my_scale = ops.convert_to_tensor(scale, dtype=weights.dtype.base_dtype, name='scale') # if tf.__version__ <= '0.12': # standard_ops_fn = standard_ops.mul # else: standard_ops_fn = standard_ops.multiply return standard_ops_fn( my_scale, standard_ops.reduce_sum(standard_ops.sqrt(standard_ops.reduce_sum(tf.square(weights), 1))), name=scope ) return li
[docs]def lo_regularizer(scale): """Lo regularization removes the neurons of current layer. The `o` represents `outputs` Returns a function that can be used to apply group lo regularization to weights. The implementation follows `TensorFlow contrib <>`__. Parameters ---------- scale : float A scalar multiplier `Tensor`. 0.0 disables the regularizer. Returns ------- A function with signature `lo(weights, name=None)` that apply Lo regularization. Raises ------ ValueError : If scale is outside of the range [0.0, 1.0] or if scale is not a float. """ if isinstance(scale, numbers.Integral): raise ValueError('scale cannot be an integer: %s' % scale) if isinstance(scale, numbers.Real): if scale < 0.: raise ValueError('Setting a scale less than 0 on a regularizer: %g' % scale) if scale >= 1.: raise ValueError('Setting a scale greater than 1 on a regularizer: %g' % scale) if scale == 0.:'Scale of 0 disables regularizer.') return lambda _, name=None: None def lo(weights, name='lo_regularizer'): """Applies group column regularization to weights.""" with tf.name_scope(name) as scope: my_scale = ops.convert_to_tensor(scale, dtype=weights.dtype.base_dtype, name='scale') # if tf.__version__ <= '0.12': # standard_ops_fn = standard_ops.mul # else: standard_ops_fn = standard_ops.multiply return standard_ops_fn( my_scale, standard_ops.reduce_sum(standard_ops.sqrt(standard_ops.reduce_sum(tf.square(weights), 0))), name=scope ) return lo
def maxnorm_regularizer(scale=1.0): """Max-norm regularization returns a function that can be used to apply max-norm regularization to weights. More about max-norm, see `wiki-max norm <>`_. The implementation follows `TensorFlow contrib <>`__. Parameters ---------- scale : float A scalar multiplier `Tensor`. 0.0 disables the regularizer. Returns --------- A function with signature `mn(weights, name=None)` that apply Lo regularization. Raises -------- ValueError : If scale is outside of the range [0.0, 1.0] or if scale is not a float. """ if isinstance(scale, numbers.Integral): raise ValueError('scale cannot be an integer: %s' % scale) if isinstance(scale, numbers.Real): if scale < 0.: raise ValueError('Setting a scale less than 0 on a regularizer: %g' % scale) # if scale >= 1.: # raise ValueError('Setting a scale greater than 1 on a regularizer: %g' % # scale) if scale == 0.:'Scale of 0 disables regularizer.') return lambda _, name=None: None def mn(weights, name='max_regularizer'): """Applies max-norm regularization to weights.""" with tf.name_scope(name) as scope: my_scale = ops.convert_to_tensor(scale, dtype=weights.dtype.base_dtype, name='scale') # if tf.__version__ <= '0.12': # standard_ops_fn = standard_ops.mul # else: standard_ops_fn = standard_ops.multiply return standard_ops_fn(my_scale, standard_ops.reduce_max(standard_ops.abs(weights)), name=scope) return mn
[docs]def maxnorm_o_regularizer(scale): """Max-norm output regularization removes the neurons of current layer. Returns a function that can be used to apply max-norm regularization to each column of weight matrix. The implementation follows `TensorFlow contrib <>`__. Parameters ---------- scale : float A scalar multiplier `Tensor`. 0.0 disables the regularizer. Returns --------- A function with signature `mn_o(weights, name=None)` that apply Lo regularization. Raises --------- ValueError : If scale is outside of the range [0.0, 1.0] or if scale is not a float. """ if isinstance(scale, numbers.Integral): raise ValueError('scale cannot be an integer: %s' % scale) if isinstance(scale, numbers.Real): if scale < 0.: raise ValueError('Setting a scale less than 0 on a regularizer: %g' % scale) # if scale >= 1.: # raise ValueError('Setting a scale greater than 1 on a regularizer: %g' % # scale) if scale == 0.:'Scale of 0 disables regularizer.') return lambda _, name=None: None def mn_o(weights, name='maxnorm_o_regularizer'): """Applies max-norm regularization to weights.""" with tf.name_scope(name) as scope: my_scale = ops.convert_to_tensor(scale, dtype=weights.dtype.base_dtype, name='scale') if tf.__version__ <= '0.12': standard_ops_fn = standard_ops.mul else: standard_ops_fn = standard_ops.multiply return standard_ops_fn( my_scale, standard_ops.reduce_sum(standard_ops.reduce_max(standard_ops.abs(weights), 0)), name=scope ) return mn_o
[docs]def maxnorm_i_regularizer(scale): """Max-norm input regularization removes the neurons of previous layer. Returns a function that can be used to apply max-norm regularization to each row of weight matrix. The implementation follows `TensorFlow contrib <>`__. Parameters ---------- scale : float A scalar multiplier `Tensor`. 0.0 disables the regularizer. Returns --------- A function with signature `mn_i(weights, name=None)` that apply Lo regularization. Raises --------- ValueError : If scale is outside of the range [0.0, 1.0] or if scale is not a float. """ if isinstance(scale, numbers.Integral): raise ValueError('scale cannot be an integer: %s' % scale) if isinstance(scale, numbers.Real): if scale < 0.: raise ValueError('Setting a scale less than 0 on a regularizer: %g' % scale) # if scale >= 1.: # raise ValueError('Setting a scale greater than 1 on a regularizer: %g' % # scale) if scale == 0.:'Scale of 0 disables regularizer.') return lambda _, name=None: None def mn_i(weights, name='maxnorm_i_regularizer'): """Applies max-norm regularization to weights.""" with tf.name_scope(name) as scope: my_scale = ops.convert_to_tensor(scale, dtype=weights.dtype.base_dtype, name='scale') if tf.__version__ <= '0.12': standard_ops_fn = standard_ops.mul else: standard_ops_fn = standard_ops.multiply return standard_ops_fn( my_scale, standard_ops.reduce_sum(standard_ops.reduce_max(standard_ops.abs(weights), 1)), name=scope ) return mn_i
[docs]def huber_loss( output, target, is_mean=True, delta=1.0, dynamichuber=False, reverse=False, axis=-1, epsilon=0.00001, name=None ): """Huber Loss operation, see ```` . Reverse Huber Loss operation, see ''''. Dynamic Reverse Huber Loss operation, see ''''. Parameters ---------- output : Tensor A distribution with shape: [batch_size, ....], (any dimensions). target : Tensor The target distribution, format the same with `output`. is_mean : boolean Whether compute the mean or sum for each example. - If True, use ``tf.reduce_mean`` to compute the loss between one target and predict data (default). - If False, use ``tf.reduce_sum``. delta: float The point where the huber loss function changes from a quadratic to linear. dynamichuber: boolean Whether compute the coefficient c for each batch. - If True, c is 20% of the maximal per-batch error. - If False, c is delta. reverse: boolean Whether compute the reverse huber loss. axis : int or list of int The dimensions to reduce. epsilon: Eplison. name : string Name of this loss. """ if reverse: if dynamichuber: huber_c = 0.2 * tf.reduce_max(tf.abs(output - target)) else: huber_c = delta if is_mean: loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.where( tf.less_equal(tf.abs(output - target), huber_c), tf.abs(output - target), tf.multiply( tf.pow(output - target, 2.0) + tf.pow(huber_c, 2.0), tf.math.divide_no_nan(.5, huber_c + epsilon) ) ), name=name ) else: loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_sum( tf.where( tf.less_equal(tf.abs(output - target), huber_c), tf.abs(output - target), tf.multiply( tf.pow(output - target, 2.0) + tf.pow(huber_c, 2.0), tf.math.divide_no_nan(.5, huber_c + epsilon) ) ), axis ), name=name ) elif is_mean: loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.where( tf.less_equal(tf.abs(output - target), delta), 0.5 * tf.pow(output - target, 2), delta * (tf.abs(output - target) - 0.5 * delta) ), name=name ) else: loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_sum( tf.where( tf.less_equal(tf.abs(output - target), delta), 0.5 * tf.pow(output - target, 2), delta * (tf.abs(output - target) - 0.5 * delta) ), axis ), name=name ) return loss