Source code for tensorlayer.files.dataset_loaders.nietzsche_dataset

#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os

from tensorlayer import tl_logging as logging

from tensorlayer.files.utils import maybe_download_and_extract

__all__ = ['load_nietzsche_dataset']

[docs]def load_nietzsche_dataset(path='data'): """Load Nietzsche dataset. Parameters ---------- path : str The path that the data is downloaded to, defaults is ``data/nietzsche/``. Returns -------- str The content. Examples -------- >>> see >>> words = tl.files.load_nietzsche_dataset() >>> words = basic_clean_str(words) >>> words = words.split() """"Load or Download nietzsche dataset > {}".format(path)) path = os.path.join(path, 'nietzsche') filename = "nietzsche.txt" url = '' filepath = maybe_download_and_extract(filename, path, url) with open(filepath, "r") as f: words = return words