Source code for tensorlayer.iterate

#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
from six.moves import xrange

[docs]def minibatches(inputs=None, targets=None, batch_size=None, shuffle=False): """Generate a generator that input a group of example in numpy.array and their labels, return the examples and labels by the given batchsize. Parameters ---------- inputs : numpy.array (X) The input features, every row is a example. targets : numpy.array (y) The labels of inputs, every row is a example. batch_size : int The batch size. shuffle : boolean Indicating whether to use a shuffling queue, shuffle the dataset before return. Examples -------- >>> X = np.asarray([['a','a'], ['b','b'], ['c','c'], ['d','d'], ['e','e'], ['f','f']]) >>> y = np.asarray([0,1,2,3,4,5]) >>> for batch in tl.iterate.minibatches(inputs=X, targets=y, batch_size=2, shuffle=False): >>> print(batch) ... (array([['a', 'a'], ... ['b', 'b']], ... dtype='<U1'), array([0, 1])) ... (array([['c', 'c'], ... ['d', 'd']], ... dtype='<U1'), array([2, 3])) ... (array([['e', 'e'], ... ['f', 'f']], ... dtype='<U1'), array([4, 5])) Notes ------- - If you have two inputs, e.g. X1 (1000, 100) and X2 (1000, 80), you can ``np.hstack((X1, X2)) into (1000, 180) and feed into ``inputs``, then you can split a batch of X1 and X2. """ assert len(inputs) == len(targets) if shuffle: indices = np.arange(len(inputs)) np.random.shuffle(indices) for start_idx in range(0, len(inputs) - batch_size + 1, batch_size): if shuffle: excerpt = indices[start_idx:start_idx + batch_size] else: excerpt = slice(start_idx, start_idx + batch_size) yield inputs[excerpt], targets[excerpt]
[docs]def seq_minibatches(inputs, targets, batch_size, seq_length, stride=1): """Generate a generator that return a batch of sequence inputs and targets. If ``batch_size = 100, seq_length = 5``, one return will have ``500`` rows (examples). Examples -------- - Synced sequence input and output. >>> X = np.asarray([['a','a'], ['b','b'], ['c','c'], ['d','d'], ['e','e'], ['f','f']]) >>> y = np.asarray([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) >>> for batch in tl.iterate.seq_minibatches(inputs=X, targets=y, batch_size=2, seq_length=2, stride=1): >>> print(batch) ... (array([['a', 'a'], ... ['b', 'b'], ... ['b', 'b'], ... ['c', 'c']], ... dtype='<U1'), array([0, 1, 1, 2])) ... (array([['c', 'c'], ... ['d', 'd'], ... ['d', 'd'], ... ['e', 'e']], ... dtype='<U1'), array([2, 3, 3, 4])) ... ... - Many to One >>> return_last = True >>> num_steps = 2 >>> X = np.asarray([['a','a'], ['b','b'], ['c','c'], ['d','d'], ['e','e'], ['f','f']]) >>> Y = np.asarray([0,1,2,3,4,5]) >>> for batch in tl.iterate.seq_minibatches(inputs=X, targets=Y, batch_size=2, seq_length=num_steps, stride=1): >>> x, y = batch >>> if return_last: >>> tmp_y = y.reshape((-1, num_steps) + y.shape[1:]) >>> y = tmp_y[:, -1] >>> print(x, y) ... [['a' 'a'] ... ['b' 'b'] ... ['b' 'b'] ... ['c' 'c']] [1 2] ... [['c' 'c'] ... ['d' 'd'] ... ['d' 'd'] ... ['e' 'e']] [3 4] """ assert len(inputs) == len(targets) n_loads = (batch_size * stride) + (seq_length - stride) for start_idx in range(0, len(inputs) - n_loads + 1, (batch_size * stride)): seq_inputs = np.zeros((batch_size, seq_length) + inputs.shape[1:], dtype=inputs.dtype) seq_targets = np.zeros((batch_size, seq_length) + targets.shape[1:], dtype=targets.dtype) for b_idx in xrange(batch_size): start_seq_idx = start_idx + (b_idx * stride) end_seq_idx = start_seq_idx + seq_length seq_inputs[b_idx] = inputs[start_seq_idx:end_seq_idx] seq_targets[b_idx] = targets[start_seq_idx:end_seq_idx] flatten_inputs = seq_inputs.reshape((-1, ) + inputs.shape[1:]) flatten_targets = seq_targets.reshape((-1, ) + targets.shape[1:]) yield flatten_inputs, flatten_targets
[docs]def seq_minibatches2(inputs, targets, batch_size, num_steps): """Generate a generator that iterates on two list of words. Yields (Returns) the source contexts and the target context by the given batch_size and num_steps (sequence_length), see ``PTB tutorial``. In TensorFlow's tutorial, this generates the batch_size pointers into the raw PTB data, and allows minibatch iteration along these pointers. - Hint, if the input data are images, you can modify the code as follow. .. code-block:: python from data = np.zeros([batch_size, batch_len) to data = np.zeros([batch_size, batch_len, inputs.shape[1], inputs.shape[2], inputs.shape[3]]) Parameters ---------- inputs : a list the context in list format; note that context usually be represented by splitting by space, and then convert to unique word IDs. targets : a list the context in list format; note that context usually be represented by splitting by space, and then convert to unique word IDs. batch_size : int the batch size. num_steps : int the number of unrolls. i.e. sequence_length Yields ------ Pairs of the batched data, each a matrix of shape [batch_size, num_steps]. Raises ------ ValueError : if batch_size or num_steps are too high. Examples -------- >>> X = [i for i in range(20)] >>> Y = [i for i in range(20,40)] >>> for batch in tl.iterate.seq_minibatches2(X, Y, batch_size=2, num_steps=3): ... x, y = batch ... print(x, y) ... ... [[ 0. 1. 2.] ... [ 10. 11. 12.]] ... [[ 20. 21. 22.] ... [ 30. 31. 32.]] ... ... [[ 3. 4. 5.] ... [ 13. 14. 15.]] ... [[ 23. 24. 25.] ... [ 33. 34. 35.]] ... ... [[ 6. 7. 8.] ... [ 16. 17. 18.]] ... [[ 26. 27. 28.] ... [ 36. 37. 38.]] Code References --------------- - ``tensorflow/models/rnn/ptb/`` """ assert len(inputs) == len(targets) data_len = len(inputs) batch_len = data_len // batch_size # data = np.zeros([batch_size, batch_len]) data = np.zeros((batch_size, batch_len) + inputs.shape[1:], dtype=inputs.dtype) data2 = np.zeros([batch_size, batch_len]) for i in range(batch_size): data[i] = inputs[batch_len * i:batch_len * (i + 1)] data2[i] = targets[batch_len * i:batch_len * (i + 1)] epoch_size = (batch_len - 1) // num_steps if epoch_size == 0: raise ValueError("epoch_size == 0, decrease batch_size or num_steps") for i in range(epoch_size): x = data[:, i * num_steps:(i + 1) * num_steps] x2 = data2[:, i * num_steps:(i + 1) * num_steps] yield (x, x2)
[docs]def ptb_iterator(raw_data, batch_size, num_steps): """ Generate a generator that iterates on a list of words, see PTB tutorial. Yields (Returns) the source contexts and the target context by the given batch_size and num_steps (sequence_length).\n see ``PTB tutorial``. e.g. x = [0, 1, 2] y = [1, 2, 3] , when batch_size = 1, num_steps = 3, raw_data = [i for i in range(100)] In TensorFlow's tutorial, this generates batch_size pointers into the raw PTB data, and allows minibatch iteration along these pointers. Parameters ---------- raw_data : a list the context in list format; note that context usually be represented by splitting by space, and then convert to unique word IDs. batch_size : int the batch size. num_steps : int the number of unrolls. i.e. sequence_length Yields ------ Pairs of the batched data, each a matrix of shape [batch_size, num_steps]. The second element of the tuple is the same data time-shifted to the right by one. Raises ------ ValueError : if batch_size or num_steps are too high. Examples -------- >>> train_data = [i for i in range(20)] >>> for batch in tl.iterate.ptb_iterator(train_data, batch_size=2, num_steps=3): >>> x, y = batch >>> print(x, y) ... [[ 0 1 2] <---x 1st subset/ iteration ... [10 11 12]] ... [[ 1 2 3] <---y ... [11 12 13]] ... ... [[ 3 4 5] <--- 1st batch input 2nd subset/ iteration ... [13 14 15]] <--- 2nd batch input ... [[ 4 5 6] <--- 1st batch target ... [14 15 16]] <--- 2nd batch target ... ... [[ 6 7 8] 3rd subset/ iteration ... [16 17 18]] ... [[ 7 8 9] ... [17 18 19]] Code References ---------------- - ``tensorflow/models/rnn/ptb/`` """ raw_data = np.array(raw_data, dtype=np.int32) data_len = len(raw_data) batch_len = data_len // batch_size data = np.zeros([batch_size, batch_len], dtype=np.int32) for i in range(batch_size): data[i] = raw_data[batch_len * i:batch_len * (i + 1)] epoch_size = (batch_len - 1) // num_steps if epoch_size == 0: raise ValueError("epoch_size == 0, decrease batch_size or num_steps") for i in range(epoch_size): x = data[:, i * num_steps:(i + 1) * num_steps] y = data[:, i * num_steps + 1:(i + 1) * num_steps + 1] yield (x, y)
# def minibatches_for_sequence2D(inputs, targets, batch_size, sequence_length, stride=1): # """ # Input a group of example in 2D numpy.array and their labels. # Return the examples and labels by the given batchsize, sequence_length. # Use for RNN. # # Parameters # ---------- # inputs : numpy.array # (X) The input features, every row is a example. # targets : numpy.array # (y) The labels of inputs, every row is a example. # batchsize : int # The batch size must be a multiple of sequence_length: int(batch_size % sequence_length) == 0 # sequence_length : int # The sequence length # stride : int # The stride step # # Examples # -------- # >>> sequence_length = 2 # >>> batch_size = 4 # >>> stride = 1 # >>> X_train = np.asarray([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10,11,12],[13,14,15],[16,17,18],[19,20,21],[22,23,24]]) # >>> y_train = np.asarray(['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7']) # >>> print('X_train = %s' % X_train) # >>> print('y_train = %s' % y_train) # >>> for batch in minibatches_for_sequence2D(X_train, y_train, batch_size=batch_size, sequence_length=sequence_length, stride=stride): # >>> inputs, targets = batch # >>> print(inputs) # >>> print(targets) # ... [[ 1. 2. 3.] # ... [ 4. 5. 6.] # ... [ 4. 5. 6.] # ... [ 7. 8. 9.]] # ... [1 2] # ... [[ 4. 5. 6.] # ... [ 7. 8. 9.] # ... [ 7. 8. 9.] # ... [ 10. 11. 12.]] # ... [2 3] # ... ... # ... [[ 16. 17. 18.] # ... [ 19. 20. 21.] # ... [ 19. 20. 21.] # ... [ 22. 23. 24.]] # ... [6 7] # """ # print('len(targets)=%d batch_size=%d sequence_length=%d stride=%d' % (len(targets), batch_size, sequence_length, stride)) # assert len(inputs) == len(targets), '1 feature vector have 1 target vector/value' #* sequence_length # # assert int(batch_size % sequence_length) == 0, 'batch_size % sequence_length must == 0\ # # batch_size is number of examples rather than number of targets' # # # print(inputs.shape, len(inputs), len(inputs[0])) # # n_targets = int(batch_size/sequence_length) # # n_targets = int(np.ceil(batch_size/sequence_length)) # X = np.empty(shape=(0,len(inputs[0])), dtype=np.float32) # y = np.zeros(shape=(1, n_targets), dtype=np.int32) # # for idx in range(sequence_length, len(inputs), stride): # go through all example during 1 epoch # for n in range(n_targets): # for num of target # X = np.concatenate((X, inputs[idx-sequence_length+n:idx+n])) # y[0][n] = targets[idx-1+n] # # y = np.vstack((y, targets[idx-1+n])) # yield X, y[0] # X = np.empty(shape=(0,len(inputs[0]))) # # y = np.empty(shape=(1,0)) # # # def minibatches_for_sequence4D(inputs, targets, batch_size, sequence_length, stride=1): # # """ # Input a group of example in 4D numpy.array and their labels. # Return the examples and labels by the given batchsize, sequence_length. # Use for RNN. # # Parameters # ---------- # inputs : numpy.array # (X) The input features, every row is a example. # targets : numpy.array # (y) The labels of inputs, every row is a example. # batchsize : int # The batch size must be a multiple of sequence_length: int(batch_size % sequence_length) == 0 # sequence_length : int # The sequence length # stride : int # The stride step # # Examples # -------- # >>> sequence_length = 2 # >>> batch_size = 2 # >>> stride = 1 # >>> X_train = np.asarray([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10,11,12],[13,14,15],[16,17,18],[19,20,21],[22,23,24]]) # >>> y_train = np.asarray(['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7']) # >>> X_train = np.expand_dims(X_train, axis=1) # >>> X_train = np.expand_dims(X_train, axis=3) # >>> for batch in minibatches_for_sequence4D(X_train, y_train, batch_size=batch_size, sequence_length=sequence_length, stride=stride): # >>> inputs, targets = batch # >>> print(inputs) # >>> print(targets) # ... [[[[ 1.] # ... [ 2.] # ... [ 3.]]] # ... [[[ 4.] # ... [ 5.] # ... [ 6.]]]] # ... [1] # ... [[[[ 4.] # ... [ 5.] # ... [ 6.]]] # ... [[[ 7.] # ... [ 8.] # ... [ 9.]]]] # ... [2] # ... ... # ... [[[[ 19.] # ... [ 20.] # ... [ 21.]]] # ... [[[ 22.] # ... [ 23.] # ... [ 24.]]]] # ... [7] # """ # print('len(targets)=%d batch_size=%d sequence_length=%d stride=%d' % (len(targets), batch_size, sequence_length, stride)) # assert len(inputs) == len(targets), '1 feature vector have 1 target vector/value' #* sequence_length # # assert int(batch_size % sequence_length) == 0, 'in LSTM, batch_size % sequence_length must == 0\ # # batch_size is number of X_train rather than number of targets' # assert stride >= 1, 'stride must be >=1, at least move 1 step for each iternation' # # n_example, n_channels, width, height = inputs.shape # print('n_example=%d n_channels=%d width=%d height=%d' % (n_example, n_channels, width, height)) # # n_targets = int(np.ceil(batch_size/sequence_length)) # 实际为 batchsize/sequence_length + 1 # print(n_targets) # X = np.zeros(shape=(batch_size, n_channels, width, height), dtype=np.float32) # # X = np.zeros(shape=(n_targets, sequence_length, n_channels, width, height), dtype=np.float32) # y = np.zeros(shape=(1,n_targets), dtype=np.int32) # # y = np.empty(shape=(0,1), dtype=np.float32) # # time.sleep(2) # for idx in range(sequence_length, n_example-n_targets+2, stride): # go through all example during 1 epoch # for n in range(n_targets): # for num of target # # print(idx+n, inputs[idx-sequence_length+n : idx+n].shape) # X[n*sequence_length : (n+1)*sequence_length] = inputs[idx+n-sequence_length : idx+n] # # X[n] = inputs[idx-sequence_length+n:idx+n] # y[0][n] = targets[idx+n-1] # # y = np.vstack((y, targets[idx-1+n])) # # y = targets[idx: idx+n_targets] # yield X, y[0]