Source code for tensorlayer.db

#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Experimental Database Management System.

Latest Version

import inspect
import math
import pickle
import time
import uuid
from datetime import datetime

import gridfs
import numpy as np
import pymongo
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorlayer as tl
from pymongo import MongoClient

def AutoFill(func):
    def func_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
        d = inspect.getcallargs(func, self, *args, **kwargs)
        d['args'].update({"studyID": self.studyID})
        return func(**d)

    return func_wrapper

[docs]class TensorDB(object): """TensorDB is a MongoDB based manager that help you to manage data, network topology, parameters and logging. Parameters ------------- ip : string, localhost or IP address. port : int, port number. db_name : string, database name. user_name : string, set to None if it donnot need authentication. password : string. Properties ------------ db : ``pymongo.MongoClient[db_name]``, xxxxxx datafs : ``gridfs.GridFS(self.db, collection="datafs")``, xxxxxxxxxx modelfs : ``gridfs.GridFS(self.db, collection="modelfs")``, paramsfs : ``gridfs.GridFS(self.db, collection="paramsfs")``, db.Params : Collection for db.TrainLog : Collection for db.ValidLog : Collection for db.TestLog : Collection for studyID : string, unique ID, if None random generate one. Dependencies ------------- 1 : MongoDB, as TensorDB is based on MongoDB, you need to install it in your local machine or remote machine. 2 : pip install pymongo, for MongoDB python API. Optional Tools ---------------- 1 : You may like to install MongoChef or Mongo Management Studo APP for visualizing or testing your MongoDB. """ def __init__(self, ip='localhost', port=27017, db_name='db_name', user_name=None, password='password', studyID=None): ## connect mongodb client = MongoClient(ip, port) self.db = client[db_name] if user_name != None: self.db.authenticate(user_name, password) if studyID is None: self.studyID = str(uuid.uuid1()) else: self.studyID = studyID ## define file system (Buckets) self.datafs = gridfs.GridFS(self.db, collection="datafs") self.modelfs = gridfs.GridFS(self.db, collection="modelfs") self.paramsfs = gridfs.GridFS(self.db, collection="paramsfs") self.archfs = gridfs.GridFS(self.db, collection="ModelArchitecture") ## print("[TensorDB] Connect SUCCESS {}:{} {} {} {}".format(ip, port, db_name, user_name, studyID)) self.ip = ip self.port = port self.db_name = db_name self.user_name = user_name def __autofill(self, args): return args.update({'studyID': self.studyID}) def __serialization(self, ps): return pickle.dumps(ps, protocol=2) def __deserialization(self, ps): return pickle.loads(ps)
[docs] def save_params(self, params=[], args={}): #, file_name='parameters'): """ Save parameters into MongoDB Buckets, and save the file ID into Params Collections. Parameters ---------- params : a list of parameters args : dictionary, item meta data. Returns --------- f_id : the Buckets ID of the parameters. """ self.__autofill(args) s = time.time() f_id = self.paramsfs.put(self.__serialization(params)) #, file_name=file_name) args.update({'f_id': f_id, 'time': datetime.utcnow()}) self.db.Params.insert_one(args) # print("[TensorDB] Save params: {} SUCCESS, took: {}s".format(file_name, round(time.time()-s, 2))) print("[TensorDB] Save params: SUCCESS, took: {}s".format(round(time.time() - s, 2))) return f_id
@AutoFill def find_one_params(self, args={}, sort=None): """ Find one parameter from MongoDB Buckets. Parameters ---------- args : dictionary, find items. Returns -------- params : the parameters, return False if nothing found. f_id : the Buckets ID of the parameters, return False if nothing found. """ s = time.time() # print(args) d = self.db.Params.find_one(filter=args, sort=sort) if d is not None: f_id = d['f_id'] else: print("[TensorDB] FAIL! Cannot find: {}".format(args)) return False, False try: params = self.__deserialization(self.paramsfs.get(f_id).read()) print("[TensorDB] Find one params SUCCESS, {} took: {}s".format(args, round(time.time() - s, 2))) return params, f_id except: return False, False @AutoFill def find_all_params(self, args={}): """ Find all parameter from MongoDB Buckets Parameters ---------- args : dictionary, find items Returns -------- params : the parameters, return False if nothing found. """ s = time.time() pc = self.db.Params.find(args) if pc is not None: f_id_list = pc.distinct('f_id') params = [] for f_id in f_id_list: # you may have multiple Buckets files tmp = self.paramsfs.get(f_id).read() params.append(self.__deserialization(tmp)) else: print("[TensorDB] FAIL! Cannot find any: {}".format(args)) return False print("[TensorDB] Find all params SUCCESS, took: {}s".format(round(time.time() - s, 2))) return params @AutoFill def del_params(self, args={}): """ Delete params in MongoDB uckets. Parameters ----------- args : dictionary, find items to delete, leave it empty to delete all parameters. """ pc = self.db.Params.find(args) f_id_list = pc.distinct('f_id') # remove from Buckets for f in f_id_list: self.paramsfs.delete(f) # remove from Collections self.db.Params.remove(args) print("[TensorDB] Delete params SUCCESS: {}".format(args)) def _print_dict(self, args): # return " / ".join(str(key) + ": "+ str(value) for key, value in args.items()) string = '' for key, value in args.items(): if key is not '_id': string += str(key) + ": " + str(value) + " / " return string ## =========================== LOG =================================== ## @AutoFill def train_log(self, args={}): """Save the training log. Parameters ----------- args : dictionary, items to save. Examples --------- >>> db.train_log(time=time.time(), {'loss': loss, 'acc': acc}) """ _result = self.db.TrainLog.insert_one(args) _log = self._print_dict(args) #print("[TensorDB] TrainLog: " +_log) return _result @AutoFill def del_train_log(self, args={}): """ Delete train log. Parameters ----------- args : dictionary, find items to delete, leave it empty to delete all log. """ self.db.TrainLog.delete_many(args) print("[TensorDB] Delete TrainLog SUCCESS") @AutoFill def valid_log(self, args={}): """Save the validating log. Parameters ----------- args : dictionary, items to save. Examples --------- >>> db.valid_log(time=time.time(), {'loss': loss, 'acc': acc}) """ _result = self.db.ValidLog.insert_one(args) # _log = "".join(str(key) + ": " + str(value) for key, value in args.items()) _log = self._print_dict(args) print("[TensorDB] ValidLog: " + _log) return _result @AutoFill def del_valid_log(self, args={}): """ Delete validation log. Parameters ----------- args : dictionary, find items to delete, leave it empty to delete all log. """ self.db.ValidLog.delete_many(args) print("[TensorDB] Delete ValidLog SUCCESS") @AutoFill def test_log(self, args={}): """Save the testing log. Parameters ----------- args : dictionary, items to save. Examples --------- >>> db.test_log(time=time.time(), {'loss': loss, 'acc': acc}) """ _result = self.db.TestLog.insert_one(args) # _log = "".join(str(key) + str(value) for key, value in args.items()) _log = self._print_dict(args) print("[TensorDB] TestLog: " + _log) return _result @AutoFill def del_test_log(self, args={}): """ Delete test log. Parameters ----------- args : dictionary, find items to delete, leave it empty to delete all log. """ self.db.TestLog.delete_many(args) print("[TensorDB] Delete TestLog SUCCESS") ## =========================== Network Architecture ================== ## @AutoFill def save_model_architecture(self, s, args={}): self.__autofill(args) fid = self.archfs.put(s, filename="modelarchitecture") args.update({"fid": fid}) self.db.march.insert_one(args) @AutoFill def load_model_architecture(self, args={}): d = self.db.march.find_one(args) if d is not None: fid = d['fid'] print(d) print(fid) # "print find" else: print("[TensorDB] FAIL! Cannot find: {}".format(args)) print("no idtem") return False, False try: archs = self.archfs.get(fid).read() '''print("[TensorDB] Find one params SUCCESS, {} took: {}s".format(args, round(time.time()-s, 2)))''' return archs, fid except Exception as e: print("exception") print(e) return False, False @AutoFill def save_job(self, script=None, args={}): """Save the job. Parameters ----------- script : a script file name or None. args : dictionary, items to save. Examples --------- >>> # Save your job >>> db.save_job('', {'job_id': 1, 'learning_rate': 0.01, 'n_units': 100}) >>> # Run your job >>> temp = db.find_one_job(args={'job_id': 1}) >>> print(temp['learning_rate']) ... 0.01 >>> import _your_script ... running your script """ self.__autofill(args) if script is not None: _script = open(script, 'rb').read() args.update({'script': _script, 'script_name': script}) # _result = self.db.Job.insert_one(args) _result = self.db.Job.replace_one(args, args, upsert=True) _log = self._print_dict(args) print("[TensorDB] Save Job: script={}, args={}".format(script, args)) return _result @AutoFill def find_one_job(self, args={}): """ Find one job from MongoDB Job Collections. Parameters ---------- args : dictionary, find items. Returns -------- dictionary : contains all meta data and script. """ temp = self.db.Job.find_one(args) if temp is not None: if 'script_name' in temp.keys(): f = open('_' + temp['script_name'], 'wb') f.write(temp['script']) f.close() print("[TensorDB] Find Job: {}".format(args)) else: print("[TensorDB] FAIL! Cannot find any: {}".format(args)) return False return temp def push_job(self, margs, wargs, dargs, epoch): ms, mid = self.load_model_architecture(margs) weight, wid = self.find_one_params(wargs) args = {"weight": wid, "model": mid, "dargs": dargs, "epoch": epoch, "time": datetime.utcnow(), "Running": False} self.__autofill(args) self.db.JOBS.insert_one(args) def peek_job(self): args = {'Running': False} self.__autofill(args) m = self.db.JOBS.find_one(args) print(m) if m is None: return False s = self.paramsfs.get(m['weight']).read() w = self.__deserialization(s) ach = self.archfs.get(m['model']).read() return m['_id'], ach, w, m["dargs"], m['epoch'] def run_job(self, jid): self.db.JOBS.find_one_and_update({'_id': jid}, {'$set': {'Running': True, "Since": datetime.utcnow()}}) def del_job(self, jid): self.db.JOBS.find_one_and_update({'_id': jid}, {'$set': {'Running': True, "Finished": datetime.utcnow()}}) def __str__(self): _s = "[TensorDB] Info:\n" _t = _s + " " + str(self.db) return _t
# def save_bulk_data(self, data=None, filename='filename'): # """ Put bulk data into TensorDB.datafs, return file ID. # When you have a very large data, you may like to save it into GridFS Buckets # instead of Collections, then when you want to load it, XXXX # # Parameters # ----------- # data : serialized data. # filename : string, GridFS Buckets. # # References # ----------- # - MongoDB find, xxxxx # """ # s = time.time() # f_id = self.datafs.put(data, filename=filename) # print("[TensorDB] save_bulk_data: {} took: {}s".format(filename, round(time.time()-s, 2))) # return f_id # # def save_collection(self, data=None, collect_name='collect_name'): # """ Insert data into MongoDB Collections, return xx. # # Parameters # ----------- # data : serialized data. # collect_name : string, MongoDB collection name. # # References # ----------- # - MongoDB find, xxxxx # """ # s = time.time() # rl = self.db[collect_name].insert_many(data) # print("[TensorDB] save_collection: {} took: {}s".format(collect_name, round(time.time()-s, 2))) # return rl # # def find(self, args={}, collect_name='collect_name'): # """ Find data from MongoDB Collections. # # Parameters # ----------- # args : dictionary, arguments for finding. # collect_name : string, MongoDB collection name. # # References # ----------- # - MongoDB find, xxxxx # """ # s = time.time() # # pc = self.db[collect_name].find(args) # pymongo.cursor.Cursor object # flist = pc.distinct('f_id') # fldict = {} # for f in flist: # you may have multiple Buckets files # # fldict[f] = pickle.loads(self.datafs.get(f).read()) # # s2 = time.time() # tmp = self.datafs.get(f).read() # # print(time.time()-s2) # fldict[f] = pickle.loads(tmp) # # print(time.time()-s2) # # exit() # # print(round(time.time()-s, 2)) # data = [fldict[x['f_id']][x['id']] for x in pc] # data = np.asarray(data) # print("[TensorDB] find: {} get: {} took: {}s".format(collect_name, pc.count(), round(time.time()-s, 2))) # return data class DBLogger: """ """ def __init__(self, db, model): self.db = db self.model = model def on_train_begin(self, logs={}): print("start") def on_train_end(self, logs={}): print("end") def on_epoch_begin(self, epoch, logs={}): self.epoch = epoch = time.time() return def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs={}): = time.time() - print("ending") print(epoch) logs['epoch'] = epoch logs['time'] = datetime.utcnow() logs['stepTime'] = logs['acc'] = np.asscalar(logs['acc']) print(logs) w = self.model.Params fid = self.db.save_params(w, logs) logs.update({'params': fid}) self.db.valid_log(logs) def on_batch_begin(self, batch, logs={}): self.t = time.time() self.losses = [] self.batch = batch def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs={}): self.t2 = time.time() - self.t logs['acc'] = np.asscalar(logs['acc']) #logs['loss']=np.asscalar(logs['loss']) logs['step_time'] = self.t2 logs['time'] = datetime.utcnow() logs['epoch'] = self.epoch logs['batch'] = self.batch self.db.train_log(logs)