API - Utility

fit(sess, network, train_op, cost, X_train, …) Traing a given non time-series network by the given cost function, training data, batch_size, n_epoch etc.
test(sess, network, acc, X_test, y_test, x, …) Test a given non time-series network by the given test data and metric.
predict(sess, network, X, x, y_op) Return the predict results of given non time-series network.
evaluation([y_test, y_predict, n_classes]) Input the predicted results, targets results and the number of class, return the confusion matrix, F1-score of each class, accuracy and macro F1-score.
class_balancing_oversample([X_train, …]) Input the features and labels, return the features and labels after oversampling.
dict_to_one([dp_dict]) Input a dictionary, return a dictionary that all items are set to one, use for disable dropout, dropconnect layer and so on.
flatten_list([list_of_list]) Input a list of list, return a list that all items are in a list.

Training, testing and predicting


tensorlayer.utils.fit(sess, network, train_op, cost, X_train, y_train, x, y_, acc=None, batch_size=100, n_epoch=100, print_freq=5, X_val=None, y_val=None, eval_train=True)[source]

Traing a given non time-series network by the given cost function, training data, batch_size, n_epoch etc.

sess : TensorFlow session

sess = tf.InteractiveSession()

network : a TensorLayer layer

the network will be trained

train_op : a TensorFlow optimizer

like tf.train.AdamOptimizer

X_train : numpy array

the input of training data

y_train : numpy array

the target of training data

x : placeholder

for inputs

y_ : placeholder

for targets

acc : the TensorFlow expression of accuracy (or other metric) or None

if None, would not display the metric

batch_size : int

batch size for training and evaluating

n_epoch : int

the number of training epochs

print_freq : int

display the training information every print_freq epochs

X_val : numpy array or None

the input of validation data

y_val : numpy array or None

the target of validation data

eval_train : boolean

if X_val and y_val are not None, it refects whether to evaluate the training data


>>> see tutorial_mnist_simple.py
>>> tl.utils.fit(sess, network, train_op, cost, X_train, y_train, x, y_,
...            acc=acc, batch_size=500, n_epoch=200, print_freq=5,
...            X_val=X_val, y_val=y_val, eval_train=False)


tensorlayer.utils.test(sess, network, acc, X_test, y_test, x, y_, batch_size, cost=None)[source]

Test a given non time-series network by the given test data and metric.

sess : TensorFlow session

sess = tf.InteractiveSession()

network : a TensorLayer layer

the network will be trained

acc : the TensorFlow expression of accuracy (or other metric) or None

if None, would not display the metric

X_test : numpy array

the input of test data

y_test : numpy array

the target of test data

x : placeholder

for inputs

y_ : placeholder

for targets

batch_size : int or None

batch size for testing, when dataset is large, we should use minibatche for testing. when dataset is small, we can set it to None.

cost : the TensorFlow expression of cost or None

if None, would not display the cost


>>> see tutorial_mnist_simple.py
>>> tl.utils.test(sess, network, acc, X_test, y_test, x, y_, batch_size=None, cost=cost)


tensorlayer.utils.predict(sess, network, X, x, y_op)[source]

Return the predict results of given non time-series network.

sess : TensorFlow session

sess = tf.InteractiveSession()

network : a TensorLayer layer

the network will be trained

X : numpy array

the input

y_op : placeholder

the argmax expression of softmax outputs


>>> see tutorial_mnist_simple.py
>>> y = network.outputs
>>> y_op = tf.argmax(tf.nn.softmax(y), 1)
>>> print(tl.utils.predict(sess, network, X_test, x, y_op))

Evaluation functions

tensorlayer.utils.evaluation(y_test=None, y_predict=None, n_classes=None)[source]

Input the predicted results, targets results and the number of class, return the confusion matrix, F1-score of each class, accuracy and macro F1-score.

y_test : numpy.array or list

target results

y_predict : numpy.array or list

predicted results

n_classes : int

number of classes


>>> c_mat, f1, acc, f1_macro = evaluation(y_test, y_predict, n_classes)

Class balancing functions

tensorlayer.utils.class_balancing_oversample(X_train=None, y_train=None, printable=True)[source]

Input the features and labels, return the features and labels after oversampling.

X_train : numpy.array

Features, each row is an example

y_train : numpy.array



>>> X_train, y_train = class_balancing_oversample(X_train, y_train, printable=True)

Helper functions

Set all items in dictionary to one


Input a dictionary, return a dictionary that all items are set to one, use for disable dropout, dropconnect layer and so on.

dp_dict : dictionary

keeping probabilities


>>> dp_dict = dict_to_one( network.all_drop )
>>> dp_dict = dict_to_one( network.all_drop )
>>> feed_dict.update(dp_dict)

Flatten a list

tensorlayer.utils.flatten_list(list_of_list=[[], []])[source]

Input a list of list, return a list that all items are in a list.

list_of_list : a list of list


>>> tl.utils.flatten_list([[1, 2, 3],[4, 5],[6]])
... [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]