Source code for tensorlayer.cost

#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-

import tensorflow as tf
import numbers
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import standard_ops

## Cost Functions
[docs]def cross_entropy(output, target): """Returns the TensorFlow expression of cross-entropy of two distributions, implement softmax internally. Parameters ---------- output : Tensorflow variable A distribution with shape: [None, n_feature]. target : Tensorflow variable A distribution with shape: [None, n_feature]. Examples -------- >>> ce = tf.cost.cross_entropy(y_logits, y_target_logits) Notes ----- About cross-entropy: `wiki <>`_.\n The code is borrowed from: `here <>`_. """ with tf.name_scope("cross_entropy_loss"): # net_output_tf = output # target_tf = target # cross_entropy = tf.add(tf.mul(tf.log(net_output_tf, name=None),target_tf), # tf.mul(tf.log(1 - net_output_tf), (1 - target_tf))) # return -1 * tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(cross_entropy, 1), name='cross_entropy_mean') return tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(output, target))
[docs]def mean_squared_error(output, target): """Return the TensorFlow expression of mean-squre-error of two distributions. Parameters ---------- output : tensorflow variable A distribution with shape: [None, n_feature]. target : tensorflow variable A distribution with shape: [None, n_feature]. """ with tf.name_scope("mean_squared_error_loss"): mse = tf.reduce_sum(tf.squared_difference(output, target), reduction_indices = 1) return tf.reduce_mean(mse)
[docs]def cross_entropy_seq(output, target, batch_size, num_steps): """Returns the expression of cross-entropy of two sequences, implement softmax internally. Parameters ---------- output : Tensorflow variable 2D tensor [batch_size*num_steps, n_units of output layer] target : Tensorflow variable target : 2D tensor [batch_size, num_steps], need to be reshaped. batch_size : int RNN batch_size, number of concurrent processes. num_steps : int sequence length Examples -------- >>> see PTB tutorial for more details >>> input_data = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [batch_size, num_steps]) >>> targets = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [batch_size, num_steps]) >>> cost = tf.cost.cross_entropy_seq(network.outputs, targets, batch_size, num_steps) """ loss = tf.nn.seq2seq.sequence_loss_by_example( [output], [tf.reshape(target, [-1])], [tf.ones([batch_size * num_steps])]) cost = tf.reduce_sum(loss) / batch_size return cost
## Regularization Functions
[docs]def li_regularizer(scale): """li regularization removes the neurons of previous layer, `i` represents `inputs`.\n Returns a function that can be used to apply group li regularization to weights.\n The implementation follows `TensorFlow contrib <>`_. Parameters ---------- scale : float A scalar multiplier `Tensor`. 0.0 disables the regularizer. Returns -------- A function with signature `li(weights, name=None)` that apply L1 regularization. Raises ------ ValueError : if scale is outside of the range [0.0, 1.0] or if scale is not a float. """ import numbers from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import standard_ops # from tensorflow.python.platform import tf_logging as logging if isinstance(scale, numbers.Integral): raise ValueError('scale cannot be an integer: %s' % scale) if isinstance(scale, numbers.Real): if scale < 0.: raise ValueError('Setting a scale less than 0 on a regularizer: %g' % scale) if scale >= 1.: raise ValueError('Setting a scale greater than 1 on a regularizer: %g' % scale) if scale == 0.:'Scale of 0 disables regularizer.') return lambda _, name=None: None def li(weights, name=None): """Applies li regularization to weights.""" with ops.op_scope([weights], name, 'li_regularizer') as scope: my_scale = ops.convert_to_tensor(scale, dtype=weights.dtype.base_dtype, name='scale') return standard_ops.mul( my_scale, standard_ops.reduce_sum(standard_ops.sqrt(standard_ops.reduce_sum(tf.square(weights), 1))), name=scope) return li
[docs]def lo_regularizer(scale): """lo regularization removes the neurons of current layer, `o` represents `outputs`\n Returns a function that can be used to apply group lo regularization to weights.\n The implementation follows `TensorFlow contrib <>`_. Parameters ---------- scale : float A scalar multiplier `Tensor`. 0.0 disables the regularizer. Returns ------- A function with signature `lo(weights, name=None)` that apply Lo regularization. Raises ------ ValueError : If scale is outside of the range [0.0, 1.0] or if scale is not a float. """ import numbers from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import standard_ops # from tensorflow.python.platform import tf_logging as logging if isinstance(scale, numbers.Integral): raise ValueError('scale cannot be an integer: %s' % scale) if isinstance(scale, numbers.Real): if scale < 0.: raise ValueError('Setting a scale less than 0 on a regularizer: %g' % scale) if scale >= 1.: raise ValueError('Setting a scale greater than 1 on a regularizer: %g' % scale) if scale == 0.:'Scale of 0 disables regularizer.') return lambda _, name=None: None def lo(weights, name=None): """Applies group column regularization to weights.""" with ops.op_scope([weights], name, 'lo_regularizer') as scope: my_scale = ops.convert_to_tensor(scale, dtype=weights.dtype.base_dtype, name='scale') return standard_ops.mul( my_scale, standard_ops.reduce_sum(standard_ops.sqrt(standard_ops.reduce_sum(tf.square(weights), 0))), name=scope) return lo
[docs]def maxnorm_regularizer(scale=1.0): """Max-norm regularization returns a function that can be used to apply max-norm regularization to weights. About max-norm: `wiki <>`_.\n The implementation follows `TensorFlow contrib <>`_. Parameters ---------- scale : float A scalar multiplier `Tensor`. 0.0 disables the regularizer. Returns --------- A function with signature `mn(weights, name=None)` that apply Lo regularization. Raises -------- ValueError : If scale is outside of the range [0.0, 1.0] or if scale is not a float. """ import numbers from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import standard_ops if isinstance(scale, numbers.Integral): raise ValueError('scale cannot be an integer: %s' % scale) if isinstance(scale, numbers.Real): if scale < 0.: raise ValueError('Setting a scale less than 0 on a regularizer: %g' % scale) # if scale >= 1.: # raise ValueError('Setting a scale greater than 1 on a regularizer: %g' % # scale) if scale == 0.:'Scale of 0 disables regularizer.') return lambda _, name=None: None def mn(weights, name=None): """Applies max-norm regularization to weights.""" with ops.op_scope([weights], name, 'maxnorm_regularizer') as scope: my_scale = ops.convert_to_tensor(scale, dtype=weights.dtype.base_dtype, name='scale') return standard_ops.mul(my_scale, standard_ops.reduce_max(standard_ops.abs(weights)), name=scope) return mn
[docs]def maxnorm_o_regularizer(scale): """Max-norm output regularization removes the neurons of current layer.\n Returns a function that can be used to apply max-norm regularization to each column of weight matrix.\n The implementation follows `TensorFlow contrib <>`_. Parameters ---------- scale : float A scalar multiplier `Tensor`. 0.0 disables the regularizer. Returns --------- A function with signature `mn_o(weights, name=None)` that apply Lo regularization. Raises --------- ValueError : If scale is outside of the range [0.0, 1.0] or if scale is not a float. """ import numbers from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import standard_ops if isinstance(scale, numbers.Integral): raise ValueError('scale cannot be an integer: %s' % scale) if isinstance(scale, numbers.Real): if scale < 0.: raise ValueError('Setting a scale less than 0 on a regularizer: %g' % scale) # if scale >= 1.: # raise ValueError('Setting a scale greater than 1 on a regularizer: %g' % # scale) if scale == 0.:'Scale of 0 disables regularizer.') return lambda _, name=None: None def mn_o(weights, name=None): """Applies max-norm regularization to weights.""" with ops.op_scope([weights], name, 'maxnorm_o_regularizer') as scope: my_scale = ops.convert_to_tensor(scale, dtype=weights.dtype.base_dtype, name='scale') return standard_ops.mul(my_scale, standard_ops.reduce_sum(standard_ops.reduce_max(standard_ops.abs(weights), 0)), name=scope) return mn_o
[docs]def maxnorm_i_regularizer(scale): """Max-norm input regularization removes the neurons of previous layer.\n Returns a function that can be used to apply max-norm regularization to each row of weight matrix.\n The implementation follows `TensorFlow contrib <>`_. Parameters ---------- scale : float A scalar multiplier `Tensor`. 0.0 disables the regularizer. Returns --------- A function with signature `mn_i(weights, name=None)` that apply Lo regularization. Raises --------- ValueError : If scale is outside of the range [0.0, 1.0] or if scale is not a float. """ import numbers from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import standard_ops if isinstance(scale, numbers.Integral): raise ValueError('scale cannot be an integer: %s' % scale) if isinstance(scale, numbers.Real): if scale < 0.: raise ValueError('Setting a scale less than 0 on a regularizer: %g' % scale) # if scale >= 1.: # raise ValueError('Setting a scale greater than 1 on a regularizer: %g' % # scale) if scale == 0.:'Scale of 0 disables regularizer.') return lambda _, name=None: None def mn_i(weights, name=None): """Applies max-norm regularization to weights.""" with ops.op_scope([weights], name, 'maxnorm_o_regularizer') as scope: my_scale = ops.convert_to_tensor(scale, dtype=weights.dtype.base_dtype, name='scale') return standard_ops.mul(my_scale, standard_ops.reduce_sum(standard_ops.reduce_max(standard_ops.abs(weights), 1)), name=scope) return mn_i